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Mathewson, Andro. Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones In CSDM Views., 2021.
Menga, XianJia, Shi Qiub, Shaohua Wanc, Keyang Chengd, and Lei Cuia. "A motor imagery EEG signal classification algorithm based on recurrence plot convolution neural network." Pattern Recognition Letters 146 (2021): 134-141.
Mygal, Galyna V., Valeriy P. Mygal, and Olga F. Protasenko. "Multidisciplinary approach to research and analysis of the safety of complex transport systems." In 4-th International Scientific and Practical Conference ISM–2021. Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2021.
Parsons, Timothy, James J. Nolan, and Frank Crispino. "Multinational Cooperation and Intervention: Small Steps to Better Results." Information & Security: An International Journal 48, no. 2 (2021): 160-170.
Oladuntoye, Olusegun. Multinational Security Operations in the Sahel region and the Lake Chad Basin: An Appraisal In International and European Security. Vol. GCSP/GSI Master of Advanced Studies (MAS). University of Geneva, 2021.
Kharchenko, Vyacheslav, Ihor Kliushnikov, Herman Fesenko, and Oleg Illiashenko. Multi-UAV Mission Planning for Monitoring Critical Infrastructures Considering Failures and Cyberattacks In Information & Security: An International Journal. Vol. 49., 2021.
Mustakim, Zaenal, Fachri Ali, and Rahmat Kamal. "Mustakim Empowering Students as Agents of Religious Moderation in Islamic Higher Education Institutions." Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 7, no. 1 (2021).
Doja, Albert, and Enika Abazi. "The Mytho-Logics of Othering and Containment: Culture, Politics and Theory in International Relations." International Critical Thought (2021).
Arild, Sunde. National Resilience as a Tool to Counter Hybrid Threats., 2021.
Dadabaev, Timur. "Nationhood through Neighborhood? From State Sovereignty to Regional Belonging in Central Asia." Journal of Borderlands Studies (2021).
Shalamanov, Velizad, and Borislav Bankov. "NATO Cyber Defence Policy and Hybrid Threats: The Way to Enhance Our Resilience." In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security. Vol. Volume 61: Building Cyber Resilience against Hybrid Threats., 2021.
Доценко, C. І., Є. В. Брежнєв, and Є. М. Будніченко. "Natural intellectual systems: contradictions of methodologies of integrated and systematic approaches and ways to overcome them." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems 1, no. 97 (2021).
ENISA. NCSS: Practical Guide on Development and Execution., 2021.
Bandara, Indra, Chitra Balakrishna, and F. Ioras. The Need For Cyber Threat Intelligence For Distance Learning Providers And Online Learning Systems In 2021 INTED2021 Proceedings., 2021.
Turčaník, Michal. "Network User Behaviour Analysis by Machine Learning Methods." Information & Security: An International Journal 50, no. 1 (2021): 66-78 .
Gramm, Joshua D., and Brian A. Branagan. Neurowar is Here!. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2021.
Melnyk, Steven A., Tobias Schoenherr, Cheri Speier-Pero, Chris Peters, Jeff F. Chang, and Derek Friday. "New challenges in supply chain management: cybersecurity across the supply chain." International Journal of Production Research (2021).
Caspari, Bernhard Christoffe. Norges forståelse av hybride trusler: Effektene av ulike konseptualiseringer på myndighetenes samarbeid In Det Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet. Vol. Masteroppgave i samfunnssikkerhet . Våren : Universitetet i Stavanger, 2021.
Ofori, Felix Nana Kofi. "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), An Obsolete Security Institution or A Group of Self-Seeking Elitists: Re-thinking Reform." International Affairs and Global Strategy 91 (2021).
Eggers, Shannon. "A Novel Approach for Analyzing the Nuclear Supply Chain Cyber-Attack Surface." Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53, no. 3 (2021): 879-887.
Bagchi, Debjyoti, Abhishek Mukherjee, and Sarannak Pal. "A one step further approach to fraud detection." Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) 2, no. 2 (2021).
Sipola, Tuomo, and Tero Kokkonen. "One-pixel attacks against medical imaging: a conceptual framework." In Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2021), 197-203. Vol. 1365. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021.
Williams, Heather J.., Alexanda T.. Evans, Jami E. Ryan, Erik E. Mueller, and Bryce Downin. "The Online Extremist Ecosystem." Perspective - Expert insights on a timely policy issue (2021).
Xue, Yuan, Shouxin Wang, Tian Chen, Quanxin Zhang, Lu Liu, and Yu-an Tan. "On-line Firmware Updating and Fingerprint Generating for Solid State Disks." In International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data. DMBD 2021., 2021.
Tovares, Alla. "Online Political Trolling as Bakhtin's Carnival: Putin's “Discrowning” by Pro-Ukrainian Commenters." In Approaches to Discourse Analysis., 2021.
