
Export 21385 results:
Scholl, Bruno. "Wie tragfähig ist die neue institutionelle Architektur der EU? Der Verfas-sungsentwurf des Konvents im Spiegel nationalstaatlicher Präferenzen." Integration 26:3 26, no. 3 (2003).
Edwards, John. "Winning the Peace." In the National Interest (2003).
Brodsky, Anne E.. With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan . New York: Routledge, 2003.
Balcerowicz, Bolesław. Wojna. Kwestie nie tylko terminologiczne In Myśl wojskowa. Vol. 3., 2003.
Cooper, Belinda, and Isabel Traugott. "Women’s Rights and Security in Central Asia." World Policy Journal 20, no. 1 (2003).
Silvén, Olli, Matti Niskanen, and Hannu Kauppinen. "Wood Inspection with Non-supervised Clustering." Machine Vision and Applications 13, no. 5–6 (2003): 275-285.
Biscop, Sven, and Rik Coolsaet. The World Is the Stage: A Global Security Strategy for the EU In Groupement d’Etudes et de Recherches “Notre Europe,” Policy Paper. Vol. 8., 2003.
Dragovic, Boris, Evangelos Kotsovinos, Steven Hand, and Peter Pietzuch. "XenoTrust: Event-Based Distributed Trust Management." In Second International Workshop on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business. Prague, Czech Republic, 2003.
Gawliczek, Piotr, and Jacek Pawłowski. Zagrożenia asymetryczne. Warsaw: AON, 2003.
Drążek, Z., and B. Niemczynowicz. Zarządzanie strategiczne przedsiębiorstwem. Warsaw: PWE, 2003.
Kwang, B. L., J. Watt, and G. Roger. "Zoomable User Interfaces for Personal Digital Assistants." Journal of IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (2003).
Hacke, Christian. Zur Weltmacht verdammt . Bonn, Ullstein Verlag, 2003.
Tagarev, Todor. "Военни способности – национално, съюзно планиране и специализация." Военен журнал 110, no. 1 (2003): 35-45.
Доклад на Комисията за изясняване на инцидента с българския пехотен батальон от състава на Многонационалната бригада в Ирак на 27.12.2003 г.. Министерство на отбраната на РБ, 2003.
Р., Кейган. За рая и силата. Обсидиан, 2003.
Рискове и заплахи в новата среда за сигурност и предизвикателствата пред България., 2003.
Блок, М.. Феодальное общество. Москва: Издательство имени Сабашниковых, 2003.
