
Export 21385 results:
Euben, Roxanne. The Enemy in the Mirror: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Limits of Western Rationalism . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999.
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Oręziak, Leokadia. Euro – nowy pieniądz . Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1999.
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Solana, Javier. The EU-Russia Strategic Partnership In Speech by the High Representative designate of the European Union For Common Foreign and Security Policy. Stockholm, 1999.
Pfurtschellera, G., and Lopes da Silva. "Event-Related EEG/MEG Synchronization and Desynchronization: Basic Principles." Clinical Neurophysiology 110 (1999): 1842-1857.
Modrić, Ante, and Vlatko Čerić. Expert System for Tank’s Gun Firing in Combat Simulation In 21th Information Technology Interfaces Conference ITI‘99. Pula, Croatia, 1999.
Rodman, Peter W.. "The Fallout from Kosovo." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 4 (1999): 45-51.
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Frauen in der Bundeswehr. Zahlenspiegel. Bonn: German Ministry of Defense, 1999.
Cnossen, Christine. "Frauen in Kampftruppen: Ein Beispiel für ‘Tokenisierung’." In Soziale Konstruktionen – Militär und Geschlechterverhältnis, 240. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1999.
"Freedom's Journey: A Survey of the 20th Century." Economist (1999).
Zadeh, Lotfi A.. "From Computing with Numbers to Computing with Words - From Manipulation of Measurements to Manipulation of Perceptions." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 45, no. 1 (1999): 105-119.
Tilly, Charles. "From Interactions to Outcomes in Social Movements." In How Social Movements Matter. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Dugin, Alexandr G.. The Fundamentals of Geopolitics. The Geopolitical Future of Russia. Moscow, 1999.
Juels, Ari, and Martin Wattenberg. A Fuzzy Commitment Scheme In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security., 1999.
Andreeva, Plamena, and George Georgiev. "Fuzzy Control Based on Cluster Analysis and Dynamic Programming." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 91-107.
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Emsley, Clive. Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Lee, H., and M.-J. Tahk. Generalized input-estimation technique for tracking maneuvering targets In IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems . Vol. 4. 35 4., 1999.
Luttwak, Edward N.. "“Give War a Chance." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 4 (1999): 41.
Guehenno, Jean-Marie. "Globalization and the International System." Journal of Democracy (1999).
Corkery, Joan. Governance: Concepts and Applications . Brussels: IIAS Working Group, International Institute for Administrative Studies, 1999.
Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton. Government Matters. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1999.
