Export 21441 results:
Putin says he wishes the Soviet Union had not collapsed. The Washington Post, 2018.
p-value from Pearson (R) Calculator. Social Science Statistics, 2018.
Qualitative Study of How to Improve Encouragement of Increased Emergency Management Preparedness. Capella University, 2018.
Quantum Internet: A Vision for the Road Ahead." Science 362, no. 6412 (2018).
"Querying the Resilient Local Authority: The Question of ‘Resilience for Whom?" Local Government Studies 44, no. 6 (2018): 788-806.
"Radon Emanation as a Source of Radiation Hazard to the Environment: The Case of the Ukrainian Shield." Information & Security: An International Journal 40, no. 1 (2018): 51-57.
"Razumkov Centre., 2018.
Readability tests. Joes web tools, 2018.
Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s Grid." IEEE Spectrum 55, no. 5 (2018): 30-38.
"Rebuilding Ukraine An Assessment of EU Assistance In Chatham House Research Paper., 2018.
Reconstruction and post-event analysis of a flash flood in a small ungauged basin: a case study in Slovak territory." Natural Hazards 92 (2018): 741-760.
"Reference Documents. TANAP Natural Gas Transmission Company, 2018.
Refined assessment and perspectives on the cumulative risk resulting from the dietary exposure to pesticide residues in the Danish population." Food and Chemical Toxicology 111 (2018): 207-267.
"Reform brings new, better taste to army rations. Kyiv Post, 2018.
The Relation Between Toxic Leadership and Organizational Climate: An Investigation Into the Existence of Toxic Leadership Within an Organization and the Effects Those Toxic Elements Have on Organizational Climate. Vol. Dissertation. Indiana Institute of Technology, 2018.
Remotely Assessing Photosynthetic Nitrogen Use Efficiency within Situhyperspectral Remote Sensing in Winter Wheat." European Journal of Agronomy 101 (2018): 90-100.
"Report of the UN Secretary General on Countering the Threat Posed by Improvised Explosive Devices., 2018.
Research of crypto-code designs construction for using in post quantum cryptography." Development Management 16, no. 4 (2018): 26-39.
"Residential water restrictions explained. City of Cape Town, 2018.
The Resilience Approach to Peacebuilding: A New Conceptual Framework. United States Institute of Peace, 2018.
Resilience (Key Ideas in Geography). Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2018.
Resilience of Public and Private Security Providers: A State-of-the-Art Literature Review." Policing : An International Journal 2, no. 2 (2018): 126-140.