Export 21421 results:
IOM: Latest Data on Europe Migrant Emergency. International Organization for Migration, 2015.
Iran's policy in the South Caucacus Between pragmatism and realpolitik, in The South Caucasus: Between integration and fragmentation. European Policy Centre – SAM, 2015.
ISIL and the Taliban. Al-Jazeera, 2015.
"Isis Advertises 10 Jobs in the ‘Caliphate’ Including Press Officers, Bomb Makers and Teachers." The Independent (2015).
The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State. Washington, DC: Brookings, 2015.
ISIS Inc.: How Oil Fuels the Jihadi Terrorists." Financial Times (2015).
"ISIS. Inside the Army of Terror. New York: Regan Arts, 2015.
ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group: Why Counterterrorism Won’t Stop the Latest Jihadist Threat." Foreign Affairs (2015).
"Is ISIS’s Social-Media Power Exaggerated?. The Atlantic, 2015.
ISIS: The State of Terror. New York: HarperCollins, 2015.
ISIS Updates Security Tips to Operatives Traveling to Syria. American Center for Democracy, 2015.
Isla Vista Mass Murder, May 23, 2014, Investigative Summary In 18 February 2015. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, 2015.
Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ in Libya Depends on Tunisian Foreign Fighters and Desert Training Camps." International Business Times (2015).
"The Islamic State Comes to Russia." Journal of International Security Affairs (2015): 27-32.
"Islamic State threat to Russia is real – FSB. RT, 2015.
Islamic State − the Digital Caliphate. London: Saqi Books, 2015.
It’s the Economy’ of Hoe Financiële Imperatieven Het Politie – En Veiligheidsbeleid Meer Dan Ooit Bepalen." Orde van de Dag: Criminaliteit En Samenleving 71 (2015): 15-18.
"Italian National Police., 2015.
ITSME: Multi-modal and Unobtrusive Behavioural User Authentication for Smartphones." In Technology and Practice of Passwords, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 45-61. Vol. 9551. Cham: Springer, 2015.
"ITU Statistics., 2015.
ITU-T Work Programme., 2015.
Jacenjuk ne vojuvav u Chechni, istorija Bastrykina ne shodytsja – uchasnyk pershoi chechenskoi vijny. Radio Svoboda, 2015.
"Jaïr van der Lijn, Comprehensive approaches, diverse coherences: the different levels of policy coherence in the Dutch 3D approach in Afghanistan." Small Wars & Insurgencies 26, no. 1 (2015): 72-89.
Jean-Claude Juncker calls for EU Army. The Guardian online, 2015.