Export 21422 results:
AQAP and AQIM Release Joint Statement Condemning U.S.-led Alliance in Iraq and Syria, Urge Warring Factions to Unite. SITE Intelligence, 2014.
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Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Third edition. Harlow, Essex, UK: Pearson Education, 2014.
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"An Assessment on the Password Practices Among Students." Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 66, no. 3 (2014).
"Assessment Report. Criminal Justice Capacities on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence in the Eastern Partnership Region. Council of Europe, 2014.
Asymetry: On the issue of Georgian-Russian Relations (Asimmetriya: k voprosu o gruzinsko-rossiiskikh vzaimootnosheniyakh)." In Russian-Georgian Relations: In the Search of New Ways (Rossiisko-gruzinskie otnosheniya: v poiskakh novykh putei razvitiya), 21. Moscow: Russian Council on International Affairs, International Center on Conflict and Negotiations, 2014.
"Attacking the Leader, Missing the Mark: Why Terrorist Groups Survive Decapitation Strikes." International Security 38, no. 4 (2014): 7-38.
"Attracted to Conflict: Dynamic Foundations of Destructive Social Relations. 2013th ed. New York: Springer, 2014.
Audit Report # 0300002413 on “Prevention and Response to Forest Fires” for the period 1 January 2011 – 31 December 2013. Bulgarian National Audit Office, 2014.
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"Autoencoder for words." Neurocomputing 139, no. 2 (2014): 84-96.
"Availability Assessment of Information and Control Systems with Online Software Update and Verification." Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, And Industrial Applications 469 (2014): 300-324.
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Babar Ahmad sentenced to 12.5 years for supporting Islamic terrorists." The Telegraph (2014).
"The Balancing Role Of Turkey For The Influence Of China In Central Asia. Vol. Dissertation. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014.
On the basic principles to ensure cyber security of Ukraine In Law of Ukraine, Draft. Accessed., 2014.
"The Beach Town That’s a Favorite ISIS Recruiting Spot." Cold Turkey, last modified (2014).
Beijing, 1325 and Beyond: Taking Women, Peace and Security Back to its Roots. Saferworld, 2014.
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"Best Practices in Distributed Learning Environments." ELearning & Software for Education 3 (2014): 272-279.
"Beyond the New Digital Divide: Analyzing the Evolving Role of National Governments in Internet Governance and Enhancing Cybersecurity." Stanford Journal of International Law 50, no. 1 (2014).
"Bibilov: The Treaty on Integration with the Russian Federation will Reflect the Interests of South Ossetia (Bibilov: Dogovor ob integratsii s RF otrazit interesy Yuzhnoi Ossetii). Ria Novosti, 2014.
Bilateral and regional cooperation in disaster management – good practices/experiences of Slovenia." In 22nd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum “Responding to environmental challenges with a view to promoting cooperation and security in the OSCE area”. Vienna, 2014.