Export 21422 results:
Has Patriarchy Been Stealing the Feminists’ Clothes? Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and UN Security Council Resolutions." IDS Bulletin 45 , no. 1 (2014).
"he Nation-State, National Security and Resilience in the Age of Globalisation." Resilience 2, no. 2 (2014): 114-129.
"Heart function monitoring, prediction and prevention of heart attacks: Using artificial neural networks In 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)., 2014.
Heavy metals in the components of the environment Mariupol City: Ecological and geochemical aspects (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Interservis, 2014.
Heavy-handed Counter-Terrorism Tactics Added Pepper to Injury This Year. Standard Digital News, 2014.
Here’s How ISIS Recruits Westerners." Business Insider (2014).
"Here’s Why So Many of Tunisia’s Youth Are Drawn to ISIS." Business Insider, last modified (2014).
"Hide These Jihadists That I Can’t See: The French Volunteers In Syria. Jihadology, 2014.
Highlights and Insights." In RSA 2014 Conference., 2014.
"How a Georgian sergeant became a Jihad leader in Iraq. Vol. 8 July 2014. BBC (Russian Service), 2014.
How ISIS Conquered Social Media. Al Arabiya News, 2014.
How ISIS Games Twitter., 2014.
How Russia Is Revolutionizing Information Warfare." Defense One (2014).
"How the 2010 Attack on Google Changed the US Government’s Threat Perception of Economic Cyber Espionage." In Cyberspace and International Relations, 203-230 . Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.
"How the EU got it so Wrong in Ukraine." Europe’s World (2014).
"How the Invasion of Ukraine Is Shaking Up the Global Crime Scene." Vice News (2014).
"How the West Helps Putin Fulfill His CIS Strategy." The Moscow Times (2014).
"How to plan and manage a project to co-create value with stakeholders." Strategy & Leadership 42, no. 2 (2014): 19-25.
"How to Safely Flight Test a UAV Subject to Cyber-Attacks In Cyber Defence Situation Awareness Symposium (STO-MP-IST-999), ., 2014.
Human Development Index – Countries. United Nations, 2014.
Human rights, the global war on transnational terror, and the mixed roles of ICT: A meta-analysis." In Cyber Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications , 1260-1294 ., 2014.