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SKIL 3. Sterman-Kaiser Imaging Lab Data Base 3, 2014.
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Smart Grid Cybersecurity Strategy Architecture and High-Level Requirements In The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, Technical Report ., 2014.
Smarter Smart Defence: Multinational Cooperation facilitated In NEDP project report, NATO HQ. NCI Agency and NSPA, 2014.
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"Social Network Analysis Applied to Criminal Networks: Recent Developments in Dutch Law Enforcement." In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security, 121-159. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
"Social Resilience in Times of Protracted Crises: An Israeli Case Study." Armed Forces & Society 40, no. 3 (2014): 452-475.
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"Socio-economic voter profile and motives for Islamist support in Morocco." Party Politics 20, no. 1 (2014): 116-133.
"The Soldier and Liberal Society: Societal-Military Relations in Germany and the United Kingdom. Vol. PhD. Aberystwyth University, 2014.
The Soldier and Liberal Society: Societal-Military Relations in Germany and the United Kingdom. Vol. PhD. Aberystwyth University, 2014.
Solomon Ginsburg: Fleeing Europe. Vol. 2 July 2014. Official website of Civic Platform, 2014.
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"Some Notes on Human Trafficking in the South Caucasus." Iran and the Caucasus 18, no. 2 (2014): 181-190 .
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"Spanish at the United States Air Force Academy: Developing Leaders Of Character as an LSP Curricular Model." Cuadernos de ALDEEU 28 (2014).
"Spatial Analysis of Earthquakes in Bulgaria and Neighboring Areas." Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection – in Bulgarian 14, no. 2 (2014): 13-21.
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Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict In Statement to the Senate Armed Forces Committee., 2014.
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