Export 21423 results:
Speech by M.V. Degtyarev at the plenary session on the situation in Ukraine. Vol. 20 May 2014., 2014.
Speech by Russian Federation Permanent Representative A.V. Kelin at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, Vienna 624-21-03-2014. Vol. 20 March 2014. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2014.
Speech by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov at the IIIrd Moscow Conference on International Security. Vol. 23 May 2014. Moscow,: Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2014.
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Vol. 23 May 2014. Official Website of the President of Russia, 2014.
Stable Sensor Network (SSN): A Dynamic Clustering Technique for Maximizing Stability in Wireless Sensor Networks." Wireless Sensor Network 2, no. 07 (2014): 538-554.
"Standardizing Cyber Threat Intelligence Information with the Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX™) In Whitepaper., 2014.
Standards of Higher Education 1701 “Information Security” In Standards of Higher Education 1701 ., 2014.
The Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Processing Toolkit." In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. Baltimore, Maryland, 2014.
"The State of IT Security in Germany 2014. Federal Office for Information Security, 2014.
The State of the Art on the Financing of Terrorism." RUSI Journal 159, no. 2 (2014): 9.
"State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine – a key factor in the protection of public electronic information resources in Ukrainian cyberspace In Cybersecurty-2013. Yalta: Presentation at international conference, 2014.
State Sovereignty and International Human Rights." Ethics and Inter-national Affairs 28, no. 2 (2014): 225-8.
"State-Building und Demokratisierungsprozess im Kosovo 2000-2012 In Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften. Vol. Doctor Philosophiae. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig,, 2014.
Statement by NATO Foreign Ministers In Press Release., 2014.
Statement by Russian Foreign minister Lavrov at a meeting with members of the Russian Foreign Affairs Council. Moscow, 2014.
State-Owned Enterprises as innovation agents in Russia: new developments or innovation deadend?., 2014.
Static versus dynamic data information fusion analysis using DDDAS for cyber security trust." In 14th Annual International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2014. Cairns, QLD; Australia, 2014.
"Sterilizing Sochi for the ‘Big Brother Games'." Ha’aretz (2014).
"Strange Bedfellows: Brutal Rise of Islamic State Turns Old Enemies into New Friends." Wall Street Journal (2014).
"Strategic Positioning in Mafia Networks." In Crime and Networks, 163-181. New York: Routledge, 2014.
"A Strategy for Europe’s Neighborhood In Europe Program Policy Brief. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2014.
Strategy for Mitigating Disaster Risks 2014-2020. Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, 2014.