Export 21426 results:
Rising Powers and Global Governance: Negotiating Change in a Resilient Status Quo." International Affairs 89, no. 3 (2013): 711-29.
"Risk Assessment of Natural Hazards in Nagapattinam District Using Fuzzy Logic Model." International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS) 3, no. 3 (2013).
""Riven doviry ukrayintsiv do vlady – odyn z najnyzhchykh u Yevropi." The Ukrainian Week (2013).
Riyadh asks GCC states to condemn Qatar’s actions in Egypt and Yemen. Vol. 25 November 2013. Middle East Monitor, 2013.
A Roadmap in the area of Systems Security." In The Red Book. SysSec Consortium, 2013.
"A Robust Remote User Authentication Scheme using Smart Card." Information & Security: An International Journal 26, no. 2 (2013): 79-97.
"Rocking the Cradle to Rocking the World: The Role of Muslim Female Fighters." Journal of International Women’s Studies 8, no. 1 (2013): 21-35.
"The Role of Facebook in Romantic Relationship Development: An Exploration of Knapp’s Relational Stage Model." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 30, no. 6 (2013): 771-794.
"The Role of Intelligenceărcău F in the Fight Against Terror." European Scientific Journal 9, no. 2 (2013).
"The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality." In UN Expert Group Meeting on “The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality”. Brasilia, Brazil, 2013.
"The role of the General Staff in the defence of the country in accordance with the new regulations on the General Staff approved by the President of the Russian Federation In speech at the meeting of members of the Academy of Military Sciences., 2013.
The Role of the U.S. Air Force in the French Mission in Mali." Air Force Magazine (2013).
"The Roots of Tension in South Caucasus: The Case of Iran- Azerbaijan Relationship." Journal of Politics and Law 6, no. 4 (2013).
"Rosja-NATO: w stronę partnerstwa czy nowej zimnej wojny." In Ze studiów nad polityką zagraniczną Federacji Rosyjskiej., 2013.
"The Routledge Handbook of New Security Studies. Milton Park: Routledge, 2013.
Rules for Power Transfers in Central Asia." Khronika Turkmenistana (2013).
"Rumors About Uzbekistan Leader’s Health Set Off Succession Debate." The New York Times (2013): A14.
" Russia in a Multipolar World. Its Place on the International Stage and Its Foreign Policy. Vol. Masters In Political Science. Université Du Québec A Montréal, 2013.
Russia’s Pacific Destiny. Russian Council on International Affairs, 2013.
Russia’s Putin says Egypt moving towards civil war. Vol. 7 July 2013. Reuters, 2013.
Russia’s Southern Outpost (Iuzhnyi forpost Rossii)." Krasnaia zvezda (2013).