Export 21426 results:
We and the New Asia." Kommersant Ogonyok (2013).
"We Are Overcoming Difficulties That South Ossetia Previously Met. РЕС Information Agency, 2013.
Weathering the Perfect Storm? Austerity and Institutional Resilience in Local Government." Policy & Politics 41, no. 4 (2013): 533-549.
"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary . G. & C. Merriam Co, 2013.
"What Did America Learn from the 1999 Kosovo War." The Economist (2013).
What if the Hybrid Warfare/Threat Concept Was Simply Meant to Make Us Think?. E-International Relations, 2013.
What is social resilience? Lessons learned and ways forward." ERDCUNDE 67, no. 1 (2013): 5-19.
"What’s Next for Syria’s Kurds?" Jadaliyya (2013).
"What to expect from the meeting of Russian and US presidents in Northern Ireland. Russian Foreign Affairs Council, 2013.
What Works Best When Building Partner Capacity and Under What Circumstances?. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2013.
Wheels Up! Has Obama Really Pivoted to Asia?. The Diplomat, 2013.
Where Do Trolls Live. And Who Feeds Them." Novaya Gazeta, (2013).
"Where is control over Chinese farms?. Vol. 6 June 2013. Official website of the LDPR, 2013.
The Whisteblower." Guardian (2013): 1-2.
"White Paper: World Energy – 2050. Second ed. Moscow: International Center for Sustainable Energy Development, 2013.
Who Is General al-Sisi and What Will He Do with Egypt?. MissingPeace, 2013.
Who watches the watchers?" Guardian (2013): 13.
"Who Will Inherit Uzbekistan?" Ekspert 14 (2013).
"Whose Responsibility is Interoperability?" Small Wars Journal (2013).
"Why are ERP systems an easy target for cyber-attacks?" Defense Magazine (2013).
"Why Did al-Shabaab Strike at the Heart of Kenya’s Capital?. Channel 4 News, 2013.
Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?" Survival 55, no. 1 (2013): 7-34.
" Why the Organization Needs Information Security Policy and Programme In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2013.