Export 21426 results:
Why the West Should Relax About China. The Diplomat, 2013.
Why There’s No Shale Revolution in China?., 2013.
Will there be a NATO centre in Bulgaria? (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
Will Zhirinovsky’s prescriptions help the Far East? – The opinions of parliamentarians. Vol. 8 November 2013. Novosti Federatsii (Federation News) news agency, 2013.
Wojna rosyjsko-gruzińska. Wojna która nie wstrząsnęła światem. Oświęcim: NapoleonV, 2013.
Women, Peace and Security in the Western Balkans. Belgrade: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, 2013.
A Women’s Guide to Security Sector Reform. Washington, D.C.: The Institute for Inclusive Security and DCAF, 2013.
Worksite Stress Management Interventions: Their Effectiveness and Conceptualisation." In From Stress to Wellbeing, 3-13. Vol. 2. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
"World Armies - Kazakhstan. London: IHS Global Unlimited, 2013.
World Armies—Uzbekistan. London: IHS Global Limited, 2013.
WWI Centennial: The Arms Race Shifts into High Gear., 2013.
Xi Jinping Accepts a Written Interview with the Washington Post of the U.S.. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P. R. China, 2013.
Xi’s Central Asia Trip Aimed at Common Development, All-Win Cooperation. Xinhua News Service, 2013.
Xinjiang in China’s Foreign Policy toward Central Asia." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 3 (2013): 87-108.
"Xinjiang’s Natural Resources. China Trough a Lens, 2013.
X-Ray Plot: Judge Says Glendon Scott Crawford, Eric J. Feight Should Stay Jailed. Huffington Post, 2013.
Yahoo and Microsoft express alarm over NSA attacks on online security." Guardian (2013): 2.
"The Young and the Normless: Al Qaeda’s Ideological Recruitment of Western Extremists." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 4 (2013): 99-117.
"Zasedanije mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valday» [Meeting of the International Discussion Club ‘Valday’] In September 19, 2013. website of the President of the Russian Federation, 2013.
"Ангел Найденов: Състоянието на армията е много лошо." Standart (2013).
Защита Cloud-архитектур от DDoS-атак." Радіоелектронні І Комп’ютерні Системи 5, no. 64 (2013).
"Идеология и Опыт Реализации Проектно-Программных Методов в Государственном Управлении. Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ, 2013.
Информационная безопасность индустриальных ИУС на FPGA: нормативная база и SIS подход." Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи 3 (2013).