Export 21428 results:
Kazakhstan, South Korea to Mull Building a Shipyard in the Caspian Sea., 2012.
Keeping NATO Relevant. Carnegie Europe Policy Outlook, 2012.
Kenya: 1.9 million Fake Phones Shut. All Africa, 2012.
Kenya Cyber Security Repor 2012., 2012.
Kenya’s Mobile Revolution and the Promise of Mobile Savings In Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, Africa Region World Bank., 2012.
Kenya’s Muslim Youth Center and Al-Shabab’s East African Recruitment." CTC Sentinel 5, no. 10 (2012): 9-13.
"Key Challenges and Threats to National Security: The Polish Perspective." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 3 (2012): 53-65.
"Key Risks Facing Central Asia in 2012 and Beyond." Eurasia Daily Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation 9, no. 27 (2012).
"KINEROS 2/AGWA: Model use, calibration, and validation." Transactions of the ASABE 55, no. 4 (2012).
"Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) 2012 Rankings. World Bank, 2012.
Kofi Annan Appointed Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations, League of Arab States on Syrian Crisis In Information for Media. Secretary-General, 2012.
Konsumenters Etiska Köpbeteende In Managementhögskolan, Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi. Vol. Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi. Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2012.
"Kriminaliät ohne Grenzen." In Atlas der Globalisierung – Die Welt von morgen, 37. TAZ, 2012.
Kyrgyz Foreign Minister, Afghan Envoy Discuss Security, Drug Fight. BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit, 2012.
L’UE appelle à enrayer la colonisation en Cisjordanie." Le Figaro (2012).
"La Difesa Civile nel XXI secolo: dalla cooperazione civile-militare all'integrazione delle forze. Vol. PhD Thesis., 2012.
Labor Migration and Remittances to Georgia." ISET Economist (2012).
"Lakhdar Brahimi Works to Revive Syria Peace Plan." Los Angeles Times (2012).
"Large-Scale Simulation of Uniform Load Traffic for Modeling of Throughput on a Crossbar Switch Node In 8-th Int. Confл “Large-Scale Scientific Computations”. Vol. LNCS, 7116. Sozopol, Bulgaria: Springer, 2012.
Lazerno i radarno skanirane., 2012.
Le Rivoluzioni Colorate: Georgia, Ucraina, Kirghizistan. Il Settore Energetico, un Caso di Studio In Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Cattedra di Diritto Pubblico Comparato. LUISS, 2012.
Learning and knowledge transfer performance among public sector accountants: an empirical survey." Knowledge Management Research & Practice 10, no. 2 (2012): 164-174.