Export 21430 results:
U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts." The Washington Post (2012).
" U.S. Should Back up Its Proclaimed ‘Good Intentions’ in Asia-Pacific With Action. Xinhua News Agency, 2012.
U.S. Should Not Muddy the Waters Over the South China Seas. People’s Daily, 2012.
U.S. Should Treat China and Chinese Military Objectively and Rationally: Defence Ministry. Ministry of National Defense, P. R. China, 2012.
U.S. to Overtake Saudi as Top Oil Producer: IEA. Reuters, 2012.
The U.S. Will Help Uzbekistan to Disperse Demonstrators ‘Not Lethally’. Defense and Security (Russia), 2012.
Usage of Service-Oriented Architecture for Developing Prototype of Intelligence Information System." TEM Journal – Technology education management informatics 1, no. 4 (2012).
"The Use of Internet for Terrorist Purposes. New York: United Nations, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012.
Use of Mobile Applications in Security and Safety Systems." Information & Security: An International Journal 28, no. 1 (2012): 146-153.
"The Use of Production Analysis Models in Optimizing the Development of Military Capabilities In The 7th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century. Braşov, 2012.
The Use of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System to Improve the Quality of Service Rendered by the South African Police Service on the East Rand. Vol. Magister Technologiae. University of South Africa, 2012.
The Use of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System to Improve the Quality of Service Rendered by the South African Police Service on the East Rand. Vol. Magister Technologiae. University of South Africa, 2012.
Using System Architecture Maturity Artifacts to Improve Technology Maturity Assessment, Procedia Computer Science In Conference on Systems Engineering Research. Vol. 8., 2012.
Using vegetation index and modified derivative for early detection of soybean plant injury from glyphosate." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 89 (2012): 145-157.
"U.S.-Japan Alliance Grows for Asia-Pacific Security Balance." The Korea Herald (2012).
"US–Uzbekistan Ties against Afghani Backdrop. Voice of Russia Radio, 2012.
Uzbekistan as a Values Challenge for NATO." Harper’s Magazine (2012).
"Uzbekistan – Rotten to the Core but Number 1 in Some Important Categories., 2012.
Uzbekistan to Get U.S. Night-Vision, GPS, Body Armor., 2012.
Vademecum of Civil Protection in the European Union. European Commission, 2012.
Venturnye fondy i drugie perspektivnye tehnologii dlya nacional’noi ekonomiki [The Venture Funds and Other Prospective Technologies for the National Economy]." SSRN Electronic Journal (2012): 11.
""Verbatim record of the Statement of the RF President V. Putin to the Federal Assembly." Rossiyskaya Gazeta (2012).
Virtualization Essentials. USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Visualization of ATM Usage Patterns to Detect Counterfeit Cards Usage." In 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, HI, USA , 2012.