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Human Rights in Times of Conflict and Terrorism. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
The Hybrid Threat Concept: Contemporary War, Military Planning and the Advent of Unrestricted Operational Art In School of Advanced Military Studies. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2011.
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"Idealistic and Realistic Typology of Peace." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 10, no. 3 (2011): 1-13.
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"Impact of Cyber-Security Issues on Smart Grid." In 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies. Manchester, 2011.
"Impact of Terrorism on the Freedom of Movement and Protection of Human Private Life in The Arab World." British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 1, no. 1 (2011).
"The Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Defence. European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies, 2011.
Improving Intelligence Analysis: Bridging the Gap Between Scholarship and Practice. London: Routledge, 2011.
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"Improving the Transparency/Anti-corruption Efforts in Defense Procurement: Recommendations from Global Practices In 145 pp. Monterey, CA:: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011.
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"India at war with itself. Vol. Master in Arts in Conflict Studies & Human Rights. Utrecht University, 2011.
Individual Partnership Action Plan 2011–2013: Armenia. NATO North Atlantic Council, 2011.
Information Security Management: a case study of an information security culture. Queensland University of technology, 2011.
Information support requirements of the Ministry of Justice In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2011.
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