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Maintaining Small Retail Business Profitability by Reducing Cyberattacks In School Business Administration. Vol. Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.). Walden University, 2020.
Making Better Risk Decisions in a New Technological Environment." IEEE Engineering Management Review 48, no. 1 (2020): 77-84.
"Man in the middle (MITM) attack. Imperva, 2020.
The man who got rich on data – years before Google. BBC Article, 2020.
Managing Defence Capabilities' Development In Security and Defence Management. Vol. 8. Sofia: Procon, 2020.
Mark Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Was Slow on Russian Disinformation." Financial Times (2020).
"Market Devouring Record Gulf Bonds Won’t Touch Oman, Bahrain. Bloomberg, 2020.
Maskirovka 2.0: nydaning och kontinuitet i rysk krigföring. Vol. Självständigt arbete: Mastersuppsats i krigsvetenskap. Fӧrvarshӧgskolan, 2020.
Mastering Microsoft Teams: End User Guide to Practical Usage, Collaboration, and Governance. 1st ed. Apress, 2020.
Mathematical models of ship maneuverability . University publishing house, Technical University of Varna, 2020.
"May Blog: Coronavirus in Estonia." Estonian World (2020).
Measuring the scope of pro-Kremlin disinformation on twitter." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, no. 1 (2020).
"Measuring (Transnational) Organized Crime as an Indicator of Global Justice." Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2020).
"Method of Improving the Information Security of Virtual Communities in Social Networking Services In Proceedings of the CEUR Workshop (2020)., 2020.
Methods for Actors in the Electric Power System to Prevent, Detect and React to ICT Attacks and Failures." arXiv:2003.06185 [ (2020).
"Methods in Teaching Computer Networks: A Literature Review." ACM Transactions on Computing Education 20, no. 3 (2020).
"Mexican Migrant Smugglers and Foreign Terrorists." In Terrorism and Developing Countries., 2020.
"The Michigan Cyber Range. MCR, 2020.
The Microsoft Infused Classroom: A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice Paperback . Elevate Books Edu, 2020.
IS militants step up attacks on Iraqi security forces." BBC news (2020).
"The MITRE Corporation., 2020.
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions (per 100 people). International Tele¬communication Union, World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report and Database, 2020.