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Pitch pRTI™(link is external)., 2020.
Polarization(link is external). Maarten Baert’s Website, 2020.
Polarization - EM Waves and Antennas(link is external)., 2020.
Poorer Nations in Europe’s East Could Teach the West a Lesson on Coronavirus(link is external)." The Wall Street Journal (2020).
"Poročanje medija sputnik news in odziv nanj v kontekstu strateškega komuniciranja med rusko federacijo in evropsko unijo ." Teorija in Praksa 57, no. 1 (2020): 189-209.
"Possibilities for Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Obtain Sensory Information for Environmental Analysis." Information & Security: An International Journal 46, no. 2 (2020): 127-140.
"Post-Pandemic Central Asia: Moving Beyond ‘Helicopter Money’(link is external)." The Diplomat (2020).
"Post-Soviet State Responses to COVID-19: Making or Breaking Authoritarianism?(link is external)" PONARS Eurasia (2020).
"Practice of cryptographic education using formal security verification tools and the issues of e-Learning teaching materials ." J-STAGE 37, no. 1 (2020).
"Praxisbeispiele: Roboter im Kampf gegen Covid-19(link is external). IFR - International Federation of Robotics, Konradin Mediengruppe, 2020.
Preserving chain-of-evidence in surveillance videos for authentication and trust-enabled sharing." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 153413-153424.
"Prince2(link is external)., 2020.
Projecting Resilience Across the Mediterranean.", 5. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
" Proposal for a Directive of the european parliament and of the Council on the Resilience of Critical Entities(link is external). Brussels, 2020.
Protecting Refugees in the Middle East from Coronavirus: A Fight against Two Reinforcing Contagions(link is external) In POMEPS Studies . Vol. 39. Washington, DC: George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs, 2020.
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. Report of the Secretary General(link is external)., 2020.
Public Key Generation Principles Impact Cybersecurity." Information & Security: An International Journal 47, no. 2 (2020): 249-260.