
Export 21441 results:
International Telecommunication Union. Global Partnerships with Industry Players., 2018.
The Global State of Information Security® Survey 2018. Official site PricewaterhouseCoopers - Access Mode, 2018.
Depo, Bogdana. Goliath Versus Goliath: EU Democracy Promotion in the Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia’s Alternative Agenda. Vol. PhD Thesis., 2018.
Blokdyk, Gerardus. Google Classroom Complete Self-Assessment Guide. 5STARCooks, 2018.
I.M., Skierka. "The Governance of Safety and Security Risks in Connected Healthcare." In Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT. London, UK, 2018.
R., Rondelez. "Governing Cyber Security through Networks: An Analysis of Cyber Security Coordination in Belgium." International Journal of Cyber Criminology 12, no. 1 (2018): 300-315.
Government decision 3611: Promoting national capacity in cyber space. Jerusalem, Israel: PMO Secretariat, 2018.
University of Zagreb. Graduate Study Program in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management . Zagreb: University of Zagreb, 2018.
Gaddis, John Lewis. On Grand Strategy. New York: Penguin Press, 2018.
Savchuk, Vlada. "Graphic Model of The Target Audience of Psychological Influence in Social Networks." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 81-93.
GreyEnergy: A Successor to BlackEnergy In White Paper., 2018.
Meyer, Robinson. The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News: Falsehoods almost always beat out the truth on Twitter, penetrating further, faster, and deeper into the social network than accurate information. The Atlantic, 2018.
Korsemov, Dilian, Daniela Borissova, and Ivan Mustakerov. "Group Decision Making for Selection of Supplier under Public Procurement." In ICT Innovations 2018. Engineering and Life Sciences. ICT 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 940., 2018.
Borissova, Daniela. "A group decision making model considering experts competency: An application in personnel selections." Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences 71, no. 11 (2018): 1520-1527.
Guía Metodológica para la Proyección de Financiación de Capacidades. Vol. v.1.0 . Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, 2018.
A Guide to IoT: Security Basics. CSO , 2018.
Board, European Data Prote. Guidelines 3/2018 on the Territorial Scope of the GDPR (Article 3) - Version for Public Consultation. Vol. 19., 2018.
The guidelines on cybersecurity onboard ships In version 3. BIMCO, 2018.
Stubbs, Jack. Hackers Accused of Ties to Russia Hit Three East European Companies: Cybersecurity Firm. Reuters, 2018.
Munro, Ken. Hacking, tracking, stealing and sinking ships. Pen Test Partners, Blog: Maritime Cyber Security, 2018.
Popescu, Nicu, and Stanislav Secrieru. Hacks, Leaks and Disruptions: Russian Cyber Strategies In Chaillot Paper. Paris: European Union, Institute for Security Studies, 2018.
Shalamanov, Velizar. The Hague Talks: Academic Support to Social Networks (Ролята на академичния сектор за защита на кибер пространството от език на омразата и фалшиви новини)., 2018.
Hershtein, Lucas Oro. Ḥākimiyyah 2.0: construyendo un khilāfah virtual In Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales. Vol. Maestría. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2018.
Gupta, Rajneesh. Hands-On Cybersecurity with Blockchain: Implement DDoS protection, PKI-based identity, 2FA, and DNS security using Blockchain . Packt, 2018.
Matláry, Janne Haaland. Hard Power in Hard Times: Can Europe Act Strategically?. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
