
Export 21385 results:
Sibilio, Eleonora. Formal Methods for Wireless Systems. Vol. PhD Thesis. Verona, Italy: Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit`a di Verona, 2011.
Manadhata, Pratyusa K., and Jeannette M. Wing. "A Formal Model for A System’s Attack Surface." In Moving Target Defense: Creating Asymmetric Uncertainty for Cyber Threats, 1-29., 2011.
Bourdieu, Cf. Pierre. "Forms of Capital." In Cultural Theory: An Anthology , 81-93. Imre Szeman and Timothy Kaposy ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Leonard, M.. Four Scenarios for the Reinvention of Europe. Brussels: The European Council on Foreign Relations., 2011.
Tagarev, Todor, Valeri Ratchev, and Petya Ivanova. Framework for Analysis of Potential EU Roles in the Comprehensive Approach In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2011.
France Country Report. European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), 2011.
Frankfurt Airport shooting: two US-serviceman dead. BBC News online, 2011.
Raffenne, Jean-Paul, and Jean-Francois Clair. "The French Counterterrorism System." In Toward a Grand Strategy Against Terrorism, 356. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011.
From answers by Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov to listeners’ questions on live radio broadcasts on Golos Rossii, Radio Rossii, and Ekho Moskvy. Vol. 21 October 2011. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011.
Powers, Ashley, and Richard Serrano. "Ft. Hood Suspect Cries Name of Defendant in 2009 Rampage." Los Angeles Times (2011).
Hagmann, J.. "Fukushima and the Limits of Risk Analysis." Strategic Trends Analysis 104. Zurich: Centre for Security Studies, ETH (2011).
Hagmann, J. "Fukushima and the Limits of Risk Analysis. CSS Analysis in Security Policy 104." ETH Zurich (2011).
Full Text of China-Kazakhstan Joint Statement on All- Round Strategic Partnership. Xinhua Domestic Service, 2011.
Full text of Putin interview on Russian TV channels. RIA Novosti, 2011.
K., Zaborska N., and Zhukovskaya L. E.. Fundamentals of logistics: a textbook. Odessa: Odessa National O.S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications, 2011.
Piris, Jean-Claude. The Future of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Nye, Joseph S.. The Future of Power. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011.
Murphy, Martin N.. "Future Scenarios and Future Threats: What Happens if Piracy is not Controlled, and How Might Manifestations Change?" In Global Challenge, Regional Responses: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy, 36-40. Dubai, UAE: Dubai School of Government, 2011.
Kurzweil, Ray. FUTURE TEK Science & Technology News., 2011.
Zlateva, Plamena, Lyubka Pashova, Krasimir Stoyanov, and Dimiter Velev. Fuzzy Logic Model for Natural Risk Assessment in SW Bulgaria In 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology. Vol. IPCSIT vol.13 . IACSIT Press, Singapore, 2011.
Zlateva, Plamena, Lyubka Pashova, Krasimir Stoyanov, and Dimiter Velev. Fuzzy Logic Model for Natural Risk Assessment in SW Bulgaria In 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology, IPCSIT . Press, Singapore, 2011.
Ryoo, Jungwoo, Angsana Techatassanasoontorn, Dongwon Lee, and Jeremy Lothian. Game-based InfoSec Education Using OpenSim. CISSE, 2011.
"GAO Report on Arctic Capabilities." Connections:The Quarterly Journal 11 (2011): 77-85.
"GAO Report on Arctic Capabilities." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 1 (2011): 85-114.
Burns, Robert. Gates Blasts NATO, Questions Future of Alliance. Associated Press, 2011.
