
Export 21385 results:
Yeager, Brooks B.. "The Ilulissat Declaration: Background and Implications for Arctic Governance." In Aspen Dialogue and Commission on Arctic Climate Change., 2008.
Obeng-Dompreh, Sam. The Impact of Servicemembers’ Learning Styles and Computer Anxiety Levels on Computer-Mediated Learning. Vol. Doctor of education in educational leadership. University of Phoenix, 2008.
Naidu, VPS, and G. Girija. "Implementation of IMMPDAF Algorithm in LabVIEW for Multi Sensor Single Target Tracking." In Second International Conference on Cognition and Recognition – ICCR08. Mandya: PES College of Engineering, 2008.
Martin, Arnaud. "Implementing general belief function framework with a practical codification for low complexity." In Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion., 2008.
Clote, Parker. "Implications of Global Warming on State Sovereignty and Arctic Resources under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: How the Arctic is no Longer communis omnium naturali jure." Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 8 (2008).
Gao, Zhengxian, and Yaqing Tu. An Improvement of Dynamic ID-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme with Smart Card In Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation., 2008.
Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. "In conclusion: Follow-up Steps." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008.
Gee, Alastair. In Russia, the Favorite Pastime of Draft Dodging In US News & World Report., 2008.
Cannavo, Peter F.. "In the Wake of Katrina." In Political Theory and Global Climate Change, 178. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.
McIntosh, G. C., and M. K. Lauren. " Incorporating Fractal Concepts into Equations of Attrition for Military Conflicts." The Journal of the Operational Research Society 59, no. 5 (2008): 703-713 .
Maloney, Sean M.. "Incursion at Howz-e Madad: An Afghanistan Vignette." Canadian Military History 17, no. 1 (2008).
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Yadav, Surya N.. India, China and Africa. New Partnership in Energy Security. New Delhi: Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), 2008.
Vohra, Ravi, and V. Srivatsan. India-Sri Lanka Maritime Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges. National Maritime Foundation, 2008.
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Faynzilberg, Leonid. Informatsionnyie tehnologii obrabotki signalov slozhnoy formyi. Teoriya i praktika. Kyiv, Ukraine: Naukova dumka, 2008.
Lester, Cynthia Y., Hira Narang, and Chung-Han Chen. Infusing Information Assurance into an Undergraduate CS Curriculum In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECUR¬WARE'08. Cap Esterel, France, 2008.
Cohen, William. "Initiation of the Consortium by US Secretary of Defense William Cohen during an intervention at the meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Defence Ministers (EAPC-D) in Brussels, Belgium, on June 12, 1998." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 7, no. 3 (2008): 77-80.
Sherwell, Philip. "Inside the FARC Camps in Ecuador." Daily Telegraph (2008).
WESSELS, WOLFGANG, and FRANZISKA BOPP. The Institutional Architecture of CFSP after the Lisbon Treaty – Constitutional Breakthrough or Challenges Ahead?. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2008.
Bucur-Marcu, Hari. "The Institutionalization of Security Risk Assessment." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 7, no. 2 (2008): 118-124.
Niemeyer, Klaus, Velizar Shalamanov, and Todor Tagarev. "Institutionalizing Operations Analysis for Security and Defense in Bulgaria." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 7, no. 2 (2008): 45-53.
Bastick, Megan. "Integrating Gender in post-conflict security sector reform." In Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit, 163., 2008.
Rudner, Martin. "Intelligence Studies in Higher Education: Capacity-Building to Meet Societal Demand." International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence 22, no. 1 (2008).
Strom, Kevin, and Joe Eyerman. "Interagency Coordination: A Case Study of the 2005 London Train Bombings." National Institute of Justice Journal 260 (2008): 8-11.
