
Export 21379 results:
"The Crimea on the political map of Ukraine. An analytical report of the UTsEPD." Natsional’na bezpeka i oborona 4 (2001): 25.
Criminal Code of Ukraine. Web Portal of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2001.
Stern, Eric K.. "Crisis Decision Making: A Cognitive Institutional Approach." Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan,, 2001.
Westrin, Peter. "Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 67-79.
Giacomello, Giampiero, and Fernando Mendez. ""Cuius Regio, Eius Religio, Omnium Spatium?” State Sovereignty in the Age of the Internet." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 15-27.
Meyer, Jean- Francois. "Cults, Violence and Religious Terrorism: An International Perspective." Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (2001): 24.
ISTS, Institute for Securi. Cyber Attacks during the War on Terrorism: A Predictive Analysis. Dartmouth College: Institute for Security Technology Studies, 2001.
Powell, Benjamin. Is Cybersecurity a Public Good? Evidence from the Financial Services Industry. The Independent Institute, 2001.
Dunn, Myriam. "The Cyberspace Dimension in Armed Conflict: Approaching a Complex Issue with Assistance of the Morphological Method." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 145-158.
Bendrath, Ralf. "The Cyberwar Debate: Perception and Politics in US Critical Infrastructure Protection." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 80-103.
Czech President Vaclav Havel’s speech given during a conference in Bratislava., 2001.
P. Dżurak, Zob. P., and E.R. Stanoch. "Czy mamy do czynienia z ‘rewolucją’ systemu pomiaru i oceny działań przedsiębiorstwa?" Controling i Rachunkowość Zarządcza 1 (2001).
Hesselberger, Dieter. Das Grundgesetz. Bonn: Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung, 2001.
Easton, Marleen. De Demilitarisering van de Rijkswacht. Brussels: VUB Press, 2001.
Binyon, Michael. "Deadly, Growing Scourge of Seas." The Times (2001).
Thomas, Timothy. "Deciphering Asymmetry’s Word Game." Military Review 81, no. 4 (2001): 32-7.
“Declaration of the Police Commitment Capabilities Conference. Brussels: Council of the European Union, 2001.
Provos, Niels. "Defending Against Statistical Steganalysis." In 10th USENIX Security Symposium., 2001.
Dehaies, K.. "Defense News." Defense News (2001).
Deklaratsiya o sozdanii shankhaiskoi organizatsii sotrudnichestvo. Shanghai Coooperation Organization, 2001.
Wu, Tzong-Chen, Chih-Chan Huang, and D.-J. Guan. "Delegated Multisignature Scheme with Document Decomposition." Journal of Systems and Software 55, no. 3 (2001): 321-328.
Norgaard, Ole. Democracy, Democratization and Institutional Theory In DEMSTAR Research Report., 2001.
Betz, David. Democratic Civil-Military Relations in Practice: Implications for Theory In Taking Stock on Civil-Military Relations. The Hague, 2001.
Grayston, Neil. "Democratic Control of the Armed Forces of Slovenia – A Progress Report." In Civil-Military Relations in Post Cold War Europe, 12. Shrivenham, U.K.: Conflict Studies Research Centre, December, 2001.
Urbelis, V.. "Democratization and Integration: Democratic Control of Armed Forces in the Baltic States." In Legal Framing of the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Security Sector: Norms and Realityies., 2001.
