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Kokkonen, Tero. Anomaly-Based Online Intrusion Detection System as a Sensor for Cyber Security Situational Awareness System . Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, Tie¬totekniikka, 2016.
"Appendix 2: History of Security Assistance and Security Cooperation." In Green Book: The Management of Security Assistance, 4-13. 1.0 ed. Washington, D.C.: Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management, 2016.
Mirzaei, Majid, Mina Faghih, Tan Pei Ying, Ahmed El-Shafie, Yuk Feng Huang, and Juneseok Lee. "Application of a rainfall-runoff model for regional-scale flood inundation mapping for the Langat River Basin." Water Practice and Technology 11, no. 2 (2016): 373-383.
Applied Cyber Security Course – MIT., 2016.
Verkhovtsev, Valentin, and Yuliia Yusk, iv. "Applied (search, engineering-geological and environmental) study aspects of active geostructures of the Ukrainian Shield and its slopes (in Ukrainian)." Ukrainian journal of the earth remote sensing 8 (2016): 1-11.
APT Case RUAG In Technical Report., 2016.
Paraszczuk, Joanna. Arabic-Speaking Katiba Guraba Fighting Under Auspices of IK v Shame in South Aleppo. From Chechnya to Syria, 2016.
Davies, Michael, and Menisha Patel. "Are We Managing the Risk of Sharing Cyber Situational Awareness? A UK Public Sector Case Study." In 2016 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment, CyberSA. London, UK, 2016.
Are We Supposed to Betray Ourselves in Order to Avoid Betraying Russia?. Portal CDM, 2016.
Gomez, Miguel Alberto N.. "Arming Cyberspace: The Militarization of a Virtual Domain." Global Security and Intelligence Studies 1, no. 2 (2016).
Charney, Noah. Art Crime: Terrorists, Tomb Raiders, Forgers and Thieves. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Rich, Gillian. As Russia Hacks, Is the Best Cyber Defense a Terrifying Cyber Offense?. Investor’s Business Daily, 2016.
Rademaker, Michel. "Assessing Cyber Security 2015." Information & Security: An International Journal 34, no. 2 (2016): 93-104.
Kennedy, Greg, and Harsh V. Pant. Assessing Maritime Power in the Asia-Pacific: The Impact of American Strategic Re-Balance In Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies Series. Routledge, 2016.
"Assessing NATO Policy Alignment." In 2016 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS). Brussels, Belgium, 2016.
Markowitz, Lawrence. "Assessing State Responses to Security Threats in Central Asia." In 2016 Annual Meeting of Central Eurasian Studies Society., 2016.
Assanvo, William, Jeannine Ella A. Abatan, and Wendyam Aristide Sawadogo. "Assessing the Multinational Joint Task Force against Boko Haram." West Africa Report 19 (2016).
Andersen, Sharri Suesette. Assessment of Detroit Hospital Preparedness for Response to an Improvised Nuclear Attack In College of Health Sciences. Vol. doctor. Walden University, 2016.
Wrona, Konrad, Sander Oudkerk, Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise, and Lisa Ferrari. Assisted Content-based Labelling and Classification of Documents In Proceedings of the International Conference on Military Communications and Information System (ICMCIS)., 2016.
Luo, Tian. "Augmenting combat power: Military translation in China-Burma-India Theater." Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies 15 (2016): 143-161.
Piotraschke, Marcel, and Volker Blanz. Automated 3D Face Reconstruction from Multiple Images Using Quality Measures In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016., 2016.
Layton, Robert, and Paul Watters. Automating open source intelligence: algorithms for OSINT. Rockland, MA, United States: Syngress Media, 2016.
B61 Bombs in Europe and the US Life Extension Program . British American Security Information Council, 2016.
Bail Refused for Man After Terror Arrest. Nine News, 2016.
"The Balkan Arms Trade: Ask not from whom the AK-47s Flow." The Economist (2016).
