
Export 21385 results:
Jarosiewicz, Aleksandra. Azerbejdżan – narastający problem dla Zachodu [Azerbaijan – A Growing Problem for the West] In Komentarze. Warsaw: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich [Centre for Eastern Studies], 2014.
Sherwell, Philip. "Babar Ahmad sentenced to 12.5 years for supporting Islamic terrorists." The Telegraph (2014).
Gur, Mehmet. The Balancing Role Of Turkey For The Influence Of China In Central Asia. Vol. Dissertation. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014.
On the basic principles to ensure cyber security of Ukraine In Law of Ukraine, Draft. Accessed., 2014.
"The Beach Town That’s a Favorite ISIS Recruiting Spot." Cold Turkey, last modified (2014).
Wright, Hannah. Beijing, 1325 and Beyond: Taking Women, Peace and Security Back to its Roots. Saferworld, 2014.
Schmitt, Michael N.. "Below the Threshold’ Cyber Operations: The Countermeasures Response Option and International Law." Virginia Journal of International Law (2014): 697-732.
Mancas, Cătălina. "Best Practices in Distributed Learning Environments." ELearning & Software for Education 3 (2014): 272-279.
Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology., 2014.
Shackelford, S. J., and A. N. Craig. "Beyond the New Digital Divide: Analyzing the Evolving Role of National Governments in Internet Governance and Enhancing Cybersecurity." Stanford Journal of International Law 50, no. 1 (2014).
Bibilov: The Treaty on Integration with the Russian Federation will Reflect the Interests of South Ossetia (Bibilov: Dogovor ob integratsii s RF otrazit interesy Yuzhnoi Ossetii). Ria Novosti, 2014.
Jeraj, Milena. "Bilateral and regional cooperation in disaster management – good practices/experiences of Slovenia." In 22nd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum “Responding to environmental challenges with a view to promoting cooperation and security in the OSCE area”. Vienna, 2014.
Zou, Jianmin. Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Dynamic Topology Control in Mobile Networks., 2014.
Cheng, Yu-Chin. Bis (Czech Counter-Intelligence Service) In Transformation 1994-2014 In Research Paper No. , ., 2014.
Zenn, Jacob. "Boko Haram: Recruitment, Financing, and Arms Trafficking in the Lake Chad Region." CTC Sentinel 7, no. 10 (2014): 6.
Gill, Paul, John Horgan, and Paige Deckert. "Bombing Alone: Tracing the Motivations and Antecedent Behaviors of Lone-Actor Terrorists." Journal of Forensic Sciences 59, no. 2 (2014): 425-35.
Reeves, Madeleine. Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Recovery Needs Assessment., 2014.
Damon, Dan. Bosnia and WW1: The Living Legacy of Gavrilo Princip. BBC, 2014.
‘Braća po SPC ordenju’: Vujanović, Rešetnjikov, Velja Ilić … [‘Brothers by SPC Ordination’: Vujanović, Reshetnikov, Velja Ilić …]. Portal Analitika, 2014.
Vandiver, John. Breedlove: NATO Must Redefine Responses to Unconventional Threats, Stars and Stripes., 2014.
British Expertise: Zimbabwe Scoping Report. London, United Kingdom: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2014.
Byrne, Paul. British ISIS militant Abdul Raqib Amin believed killed by Iraqi soldiers. Mirror, 2014.
Brussels Jewish Museum Killings: Suspect ‘Admitted Attack’. BBC News, 2014.
Grant, Thomas D.. "The Budapest Memorandum of 5 December 1994: Political Engagement or Legal Obligation?" Polish Yearbook of International Law 34 (2014): 89-114.
