
Export 21385 results:
Hand, David, and David Weston. "Statistical Techniques for Fraud Detection, Prevention, and Assessment." NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security. Mining Massive Data Sets for Security 19 (2008): 257-270.
Murden, Simon. "Staying the Course in Fourth-Generation Warfare." In Dimensions of Counter-Insurgency: Applying Experience to Practice, 192. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Yi, Yung, and Mung Chian. "Stochastic Network Utility Maximization." European Transactions on Telecommunications 19, no. 4 (2008).
Kerr, Clive. "A strategic capabilities-based representation of the future British armed forces." International Journal on Intelligent Defence Support Systems 1, no. 1 (2008): 27-42, quote on p. 35.
Tatham, Steve. Strategic Communication: A Primer In Advanced Research and Assessment Group. British Defence Academy, 2008.
Blank, Stephen. "The Strategic Importance of CA: An American View." Parameters (2008): 78.
Blank, Stephen. "The Strategic Importance of Central Asia." Parameters (2008): 73.
Mattelaer, Alexander. The Strategic Planning of EU Military. Brussels: Institutender for European Studies, 2008.
Laumulin, M.. "Strategicheskie Aspekty Otnosheniy Kazakhstana s Zapadom: SSha, NATO." In Kazakhsta v Sovremennom Mire: Realii I Perspektivy. Almaty: KISI, 2008.
Yarger, Harry R.. Strategy and the National Security Professional:Strategic Thinking and Strategy Formulation in the 21st Century. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Security International, 2008.
Serbia, Republic of. Strategy for Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Serbia till 2020 (in Serbian language)., 2008.
Aggour, Lora S.. "The Strategy of Containment." Fightingр Terrorism; Strategic 7, no. 4 (2008).
Strengthening the Hydrometeorological Services in South Eastern Europe: South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Programme. ISDR, WMO, WB, 2008.
Arsenault, Amelia H., and Manuel Castells. "The Structure and Dynamics of Global Multi-Media Business Networks." International Journal of Communication 2 (2008): 707-48.
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The Structure, Role and Mandate of Civil Protection in Disaster Risk Reduction for South Eastern Europe. UNISDIR, World Bank and others, 2008.
The Structure, Role and Mandate of Civil Protection in Disaster Risk Reduction for South Eastern Europe. ISDR, WB, 2008.
Munir, Muhammad. "Suicide Attacks and Islamic Law." International Review of the Red Cross (2008): 39:869 .
Jakštaitė, Gerda. Sulaikymo Ir Įtraukimo Strategijos Šiuolaikinėje Jav Politikoje In Politikos Mokslų Ir Diplomatijos Institutas, Politologijos Katedra. Vol. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vytauto didžiojo universitetas, 2008.
Carneiro, G., N. Vasconcelos, P.J. Moreno, and A.B. Chan. "Supervised Learning of Semantic Classes for Image Annotation and Retrieval." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29, no. 3 (2008).
Williams, Zachary, Jason E. Lueg, and Stephen A. LeMay. "Supply Chain Security: An Overview and Research Agenda." The International Journal of Logistics Management 19, no. 2 (2008): 254-81.
Odierno, Raymond T.. The Surge in Iraq: One Year Later In Lecture #1068 on National Security and Defense. Heritage Foundation, 2008.
Mehsud, Hakeem Ullah. Taliban Vows to Take over Pakistan., 2008.
Benbow, Tim. "Talking ‘Bout Our Generation? Assessing the Concept of Fourth-Generation Warfare." Comparative Strategy 27, no. 2 (2008): 148-163.
Hu, Dong, and YuYan Wang. Teaching Computer Security using Xen in a Virtual Environment. ISA, 2008.
