
Export 21386 results:
Manoharan, Anto Merline, and Vimalathithan Rathinasabapathy. "Secured Communication for Remote Bio-Medical Monitoring System Using LoRa." Sensor Letters 17, no. 11 (2019): 888-897.
Gawliczek, Piotr. "Security Environment Perceived from Innovative Information/ Communications Technology and Social Media Perspective. Towards System Solutions." In Security and Russian Threats, 251-264. Kielce, Poland: Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, 2019.
Lemmetty, Soila, and Kaija Collin. "Self-Directed Learning as a Practice of Workplace Learning: Interpretative Repertoires of Self-Directed Learning in ICT Work." Vocations and Learning (2019): 1-24.
Iliev, Rosen. "Sensors and Sensor Systems in Defence." CIO Magazine 7 (2019): 80-84.
Simić, Julija. Serbia in the EU in 2025 – Mission (Im)possible., 2019.
Serbian Anti-govt Protesters Break through Police Cordon & Block Presidential Palace., 2019.
Molstad, Kristine Sommerstad. The Shadow in the Mirror : The Politics and Psychology of the Internalised Double in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club and Jess Walter’s The Zero. Vol. Master's thesis. University of Agder, 2019.
Bikbulatov, Timur, and Ilya Kurochkin. "Simulation of DDoS attack on software defined networks." AIP Conference Proceedings 2181, no. 1 (2019): 020022.
Thomson, Iain. Sinister Secret Backdoor Found in Networking Gear Perfect for Government Espionage: The Chinese are – Oh no, wait, it's Cisco again. The Register, 2019.
Commission, European. Smart and healthy ageing through people engaging in supportive systems., 2019.
Elhoseny, Mohamed, and Amit Kumar Singh. Smart Network Inspired Paradigm and Approaches in IoT Application. Springer, 2019.
Beskow, David M., and Kathleen M. Carley. "Social Cybersecurity An Emerging National Security Requirement." Military Review (2019).
Lande, Dmytro, N. Kalyan, and O. Matiishin. Social media aggregation system on cybersecurity In XVII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Theoretical and applied problems of physics, mathematics and computer science" . Kyiv, Ukraine, 2019.
Bergh, Arild. Social Network Centric Warfare – Understanding Influence Operations in Social Media In FFI-Rapport. Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) , 2019.
Bergersen, S.. "Societal Impact Assessment Framework." Version 2, Deliverable D913.31. DRIVER+ project, 2019.
M., Hütten. "The Soft Spot of Hard Code: Blockchain Technology, Network Governance and Pitfalls of Technological Utopianism." Global Networks 19, no. 3 (2019): 329-348.
SophosLabs 2019 Threat Report. Sophos, 2019.
Fluri, Philipp. "South Caucasus, PME and Intelligence Services’ Transformation in Focus." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 3 (2019): 5-6.
Iskandarov, Khayal, Gregory Simons, and Piotr Gawliczek. "The South Caucasus: Stage for a ‘New Great Game’ between NATO and Russia?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 3 (2019): 7-34.
Iskandarov, Khayal. The South Caucasus-NATO Cooperation. Riga: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019.
Filippia, Gianluca, Massimiliano Vasile, Daniel Krpelik, Peter Zeno Korondi, Mariapia Marchi, and Carlo Poloni. "Space Systems Resilience Optimisation under Epistemic Uncertainty." Acta Astronautica 165 (2019): 195-210.
Jurafsky, Daniel, and James Martin. Speech and Language Processing., 2019.
Splunk. Wikipedia, 2019.
Správa ŠtB KS ZNB [StB Administration of the Regional Administration of the National Security Corps]., 2019.
Spravodajské zložky 11. brigády PS [Intelligence Units of the 11th Border Guard Brigade]., 2019.
