
Export 21385 results:
Mo, John, and Laszlo Nemes. "Architecture based engineering of enterprises with government involvement." In Advances in Government Enterprise Systems Architecture. IGI Global, 2009.
Giragosian, Richard. "Armenia at a Strategic Crossroads." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 8, no. 3 (2009): 109-123.
Danielyan, Emil. Armenian Strife Still an Open Wound One Year On. RFE/RL Armenia Report, 2009.
Mazanec, Brian M.. "The Art of (Cyber) War." Journal of International Security Affairs (2009).
As Hu Jin Tao, Obama Prepare to Meet, World Public Gives China, US Low Marks on Climate Change., 2009.
ASIS SPC.1-2009 - Organizational Resilience: Security, Preparedness, And Continuity Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use., 2009.
Zukic, Anes. Assessing the Role of the Military in National Cybersecurity Efforts In Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Vol. Master of Military art and science. Ankara, Turkey: Land Forces Military Academy, 2009.
The Atlantic Charter., 2009.
Turpe, Sven, Andreas Poller, Jan Steffan, Jan-Peter Stotz, and Jan Trukenmuller. Attacking the BitLocker Boot Process. Darmstadt, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT), 2009.
Aussenpolitischer Bericht 2009. Bern: DFAE, 2009.
Mityayev, Oleg. Austria and Slovenia to Join South Stream. RIA Novosti newswire, 2009.
Austria in talks with Russia over South Stream., 2009.
Author’s private conversation with a Russian political scientist who requested anonymity. Moscow, 2009.
Ambrosio, Thomas. Authoritarian Backlash: Russian Resistance to Democratization in the Former Soviet Union. Routledge, 2009.
Murugesan, Muthukumar, and R. Sukanesh. Automated detection of brain tumor in eeg signals using artificial neural networks In 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies., 2009.
Simmons, Chris, Charles Ellis, Sajjan Shiva, Dipankar Dasgupta, and Qishi Wu. AVOIDIT: A Cyber Attack Taxonomy In Technical Report. University of Memphis, 2009.
Whitmore, Brian. Azerbaijan Could Scuttle Nabucco Over Turkey-Armenia Deal. Radio Free Europe, 2009.
McDermott, Roger. "Azerbaijan Deepens Military Cooperation with the U.S. and NATO." Eurasia Daily Monitor 6, no. 173 (2009).
Lewis, Paul. "Background: Italy and earthquakes. With geological faults running up its spine, Italy is prone to earthquakes – although rarely as destructive as in Abruzzo today." The Guardian (2009).
Simon, Mary. Background Notes For ITK President Mary Simon In Meeting with First Ministers and NAOs. Ottawa, 2009.
Gates, Robert. "A Balansed Strategy." Foreign Affairs 88, no. 1 (2009).
"Barack Obama’s Progress: Coming Down to Earth." The Economist (2009): 29.
Tagarev, Todor. Basics of Effective Resource Management in the Security Sector In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2009.
Wither, James K.. "Basra’s not Belfast: The British Army, Small Wars and Iraq." Small Wars and Insurgencies 20 (2009).
Bass, Bernard M., and Ruth Bass. The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2009.
