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24/7 Network of Contact Points on Foreign Terrorist Fighters – Information provided by the Secretariat – Update. Strasbourg, France: CODEXTER, 2017.
24/7 Network of Contact Points on Foreign Terrorist Fighters - Information provided by the Secretariat. Strasbourg, France: CODEXTER, 2017.
von Ogden, Jacqueline. 3 Ways to Mitigate the Human Factors of Cyber Security. CIMCOR, 2017.
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Barnard, Anne, and David D. Kirkpatrick. "5 Arab States Cut Diplomatic Ties to Qatar, Iran Blames US." The Indian Express (2017): 16.
. 50 pc of Police Posts Vacant in UP; National Average at 24 pc. India Today, 2017.
75 Arrested for Alleged Links with ISIS: Govt. Press Trust of India (PTI), 2017.
M.H., Mohammed Hitham, Hatem Elkadi H.K., and Sherine Ghoneim S.G.. "A 7-Layered E-Government Framework Consolidating Technical, Social and Managerial Aspects." International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 8, no. 8 (2017).
De Waele, Maarten, Jannie Noppe, Hans Moors, and Aart Garssen. Aanpak van gewelddadige radicalisering In CPS 2017. Vol. 1. Maklu, 2017.
bin Yusof, Ismail. "Abd Rahman Abdul Rahim, Aircraft Acquisition Conceptual Framework." Asian Social Science 13, no. 4 (2017).
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Murphy, Sean P.. Acquiring the Tools of Grand Strategy: The US Navy's LCS as a Case Study In International Relations. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Old Dominion University, 2017.
Szydelko, Agata. "Acquisition in a Large IT Organization." Information & Security: An International Journal 38 (2017): 71-76.
Dhunjishah, Michael G.. Active Measures Working Group: What’s Past is Prologue. Carlisle, PA: United States Army War College, 2017.
Urciuoli, Luca, and Juha Hintsa. "Adapting supply chain management strategies to security–an analysis of existing gaps and recommendations for improvement." International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 20, no. 3 (2017): 276-295.
Schauer, Stefan, Martin Stamer, Claudia Bosse, Michalis Pavlidis, Haralambos Mouratidis, Sandra König, and Spyros Papastergiou. An Adaptive Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management Methodology In Hamburg International Conference on Logistics, Project: MITIGATE., 2017.
Kurfalı, Murathan, Ali Arifoğlu, Gül Tokdemir, and Yudum Paçin. "Adoption of e-government services in Turkey." Computers in Human Behavior 66 (2017): 168-178.
Smith, Bryant. Advanced Malware Detection with Suricata Lua Scripting. Trustwave, 2017.
Ahrar al-Sham In Mapping Militant Organizations., 2017.
Owens, Katherine. AI will now have input in Air Force decision-making. Defense Systems, 2017.
Eliseev, Alexandr, and Alexandr Prygunov. "Algorithm for Controlling Parameters of Linear Filter Based on Fuzzy Expert System." In XIII International Scientific-Technical Conference “Dynamic of Technical Systems” (DTS-2017) ., 2017.
