Export 21422 results:
Cybersecurity Innovation in NATO: Lessons Learned and Recommendations." Information & Security: An International Journal 36 (2017).
" Cyber-Security Policy Decisions in Small Businesses In Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Walden University, 2017.
Cyberspace and the State: Towards a Strategy for Cyber-Power." London and New York: Routledge (2017).
"Cyberterrorists Bringing Down Airplanes: Will it Happen Soon? In ICMLG 2017 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. Academic Conferences and publishing limited Reading, 2017.
D2.6 Legal, Ethical and Societal Aspects In project., 2017.
Darwin: convolutional neural network based intelligent health assistant In 2017 IEEE Canada International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC)., 2017.
A dataset and a technique for generalized nuclear segmentation for computational pathology." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36, no. 7 (2017): 1550-1560.
"De facto states and their socio-economic structures in the post-Soviet space after the annexation of Crimea." In Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej, 267-303. Vol. 6., 2017.
"De impact van de aanslagen van 22 maart 2016 op de vervagende grenzen van politie en leger. Vol. Master in de criminologische wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, 2017.
De Maizière zum Fall Amri - Antrag auf Abschiebehaft hätte gute Erfolgsaussichten gehabt. Spiegel Online, 2017.
The Debate on Anti-Woman Discourse in the Hadith Literature." Journal of Hadith Studies 2, no. 1 (2017).
"A decade of digital - Keeping pace with transformation In 2017 Global Digital IQ Survey: 10th anniversary edition. PwC, 2017.
Defence and Security Research, Technologies, and Innovation." Journal of Defence & Security Technologies 1, no. 1 (2017): 5-8.
"The Defence Ecosystem. Cranfield, UK: Cranfield University, 2017.
Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). NATO, 2017.
Defenceindex., 2017.
Defence-Industrial Cooperation with Foreign Countries: Best Practices of Ethics In CSDM Views., 2017.
Defending Against Advanced Persistent Threats Using Game-Theory." PLoS ONE 12, no. 1 (2017).
" Defense Institution Building 101., 2017.
Defense Institution Building: A New Paradigm for the 21st Century." In Effective, Legitimate, Secure: Insights for Defense Institution Building, ix-xxvii. Washington, D.C.: Center for Complex Operations, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 2017.
"Defense Institution Building in the U.S. Context." In Effective, Legitimate, Secure: Insights for Defense Institution Building. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 2017.
"Defining the Discipline in Theory and Practice." In Effective, Legitimate, Secure: Insights for Defense Institution Building, 21-46. Washington, D.C.: Center for Complex Operations, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 2017.
"Definition of discussion pages of the virtual community for informational influence." Master’s thesis, Information, communication society in Ukraine (2017): 32-33.