Export 21423 results:
Lessons from Russia’s Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2017.
Life During Wartime: Active Measures in the Microchip Era." In Challenges & NATO. 118-137 ed., 2017.
"Limited Individual Attention and Online Virality of Low-quality Information." Nature Human Behaviour 1, no. 7 (2017): 1-22.
"Lo and Behold: Let the Truth Be Told—Russian Deception Warfare in Crimea and Ukraine and the Return of ‘Maskirovka’ and ‘Reflexive Control Theory’." In Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2017. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2017.
"The Locals Strike Back: The Anbar Awakening in Iraq and the Rise of Islamic State." In Reconfiguring Intervention: Complexity, Resilience and the ‘Local Turn’ in Counterinsurgent Warfare. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
"Macron, standing by Putin, calls RT and Sputnik ‘agents of influence’." Politico (2017).
"Major contents and issues of a bill: The act on the promotion and safety of leisure sports." The Korean Association of Sports Law 20, no. 2 (2017): 71-91.
"The Management of Security Cooperation: Green Book. 37.1 ed. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH: The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, 2017.
Managing Disaster Risk." Science for Disaster Risk Management 2017: Knowing Better and Losing Less (2017): 442-515.
"Managing the Public Sector Digital Transformation: A Training Course for Public Sector CIOs and IT Leaders. Thessaloniki: International Hellenic University, 2017.
Markets, States and Institutions. Roosevelt Institutute, 2017.
Massive MIMO for Communications with Drone Swarms." rXiv:1707.01039v2 [cs.IT] (2017).
"Mathematical Preliminaries." In Modelling and Mechanics of Carbon-Based Nanostructured Materials, 35-58. Elsevier, 2017.
"Maximizing the Combined Effects of COBIT 5 and CMMI: A Guide to Using the Practices Pathway Tool. Rolling Meadows, IL, USA: ISACA, 2017.
McCain Flashback: Russia Threat is Dead Serious. Montenegro Coup and Murder Plot Proves It." USA Today (2017).
"The Meaning of Sharp Power: How Authoritarian States Project Influence." Foreign Affairs (2017).
"Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) for the DEEP (as of December 2016). PfPC EDWG,, 2017.
Measuring Defense Support to Civil Authorities Proficiency within the National Capital Region In College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. doctoral dissertation. Walden University, 2017.
Meeting the Russian Hybrid Challenge. Atlantic Council/Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, 2017.
Meeting with founder of Ethereum project Vitalik Buterin ., 2017.
Methods and Techniques of Security and Resilience SoS Risk Analysis." In Secure and Resilient Computing for Industry and Human Domains: Secure and Resilient Systems, Networks and Infrastructures. 2nd ed. Vol. 28. Kharkiv: National Aerospace University “N. E. Zhukovsky”, 2017.
"Metod ocinjuvannja oznak zagroz informacijnij bezpeci derzhavy u socialnyh internet-servisah." Avtomatyzacija tehnologichnyh i biznes-procesiv 9 (2017): 36-42.
"Metod pobudovy profiliv informacijnoi bezpeky aktoriv socialnyh internet-servisiv." Informacijna bezpeka 1, no. 25 (2017): 104-110.
"Metod vyjavlennja oznak informacijnyh vplyviv u socialnyh internet-servisah za zmistovnymy oznakamy." Radioelektronika, informatyka, upravlinnja 2, no. 41 (2017): 117-126.