Export 21422 results:
Information Technology Service Continuity Practices in Disadvantaged Business Enterprises In College of Management and Technology. Walden University , 2021.
Information technology to ensure the survivability of sensor networks." Problems in Programming. 12 (2021).
"An integrated group decision-making approach considering uncertainty conditions ." In 24th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2021)., 2021.
"Intelligence and Security Services Reform and Oversight in Ukraine – An Interim Report." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 51-59.
"Intelligence-exalting strategic cultures: a case study of the Russian approach ." Intelligence and National Security 36 (2021).
"Intelligent analysis system for signal processing tasks based on LSTM recurrent neural network algorithm." Neural Computing and Applications (2021).
"Interdicting Interdependent Contraband Smuggling, Money and Money Laundering Networks." Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2021).
"Interorganizational Cooperation and the Fight against Terrorism in West Africa and the Sahel." Information & Security: An International Journal 48, no. 1 (2021): 97-114.
"An introduction to critical studies of think tanks." In Critical Perspectives on Think Tanks: Power, Politics and Knowledge. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.
"The “Iranian Factor's” Role in Shaping the Foreign Policy of The Republic of Armenia: Historiographic Aspect In International Relations and Regional Studies. Moscow: National Research University, Higher School of Economics, 2021.
Italy’s Guardia di Finanza: policing financial crime and domestic security in a changing world." Journal of Financial Crime (2021).
"Kald krig i kommentarfeltet? Historien om Frode Berg på russisk internett." Nordisk Østforum 35 (2021): 257-279.
"Komunikacijos modelių pritaikymas dezinformacijos tyrimui: AIDS ir COVID-19 atvejų palyginimas In Tarptautinių Santykių Ir Politikos Mokslų Institutas, Politikos Ir Medijų Magistro Programa. Vol. Magistro Darbas. Vilnius: Vilniaus Universitetas, 2021.
Kremlin ”vapaan sanan” saattajat? Suomalaiset verkkomediat kansainvälisen uutisvirran portilla." Media & viestintä 44, no. 2 (2021): 117-138.
"La gobernanza de las migraciones en la Unión Europea: Un análisis de la propuesta del Nuevo Pacto Europeo sobre Migración y Asilo desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos In Instituto de Derechos Humanos “Gregorio Peces-Barba”. Vol. Máster., 2021.
La repercusión de las ampliaciones al Este en la Seguridad y Defensa de la UE." Comillas Journal of International Relations 21 (2021).
"Las operaciones de ciberguerra y su contribución al logro de los objetivos del nivel operacional: caso de estudio el accionar de Rusia contra Ucrania. Argentina: Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2021.
Law Enforcement Officers’ Perceptions in Combating Cybercrime at the Local Level . Walden Universit, 2021.
The legal framework for security." In Managing Security. 1st ed. Routledge, 2021.
"Lessons from the Post-Totalitarian Transformation of Intelligence Services." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 5-7.
"Lessons Learned from Military Intelligence Services Reform in Hungary." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 33-49.
"Leveraging a cloud-based testbed and software-defined networking for cybersecurity and networking education In Engineering Reports., 2021.
Long-term impact of the Galtuer avalanche on the public health system." Journal of Emergency Management 19, no. 2 (2021).
"Main Issues and Risks Related to the Provision of Resources for Bulgaria’s Defence Capabilities Development Programme 2032 In CSDM Views., 2021.
MAIT: Malware Analysis and Intelligence Tool." Information & Security: An International Journal 50, no. 1 (2021): 49-65 .