Export 21430 results:
Prospects for the development of uranium resource base for nuclear power in Ukraine (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2014.
Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure from Terrorist Attacks in South East Europe: How Real is the Threat." In Comprehensive Approach as "Sine Qua Non" for Critical Infrastructure Protection. IOS Press, 2014.
"Protecting the National Interests in the Domain of Information Security as a Functional Task of the SBU." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 69-72.
"Protracted Conflict in the Caucasus." In Caspian Security Issues: Conflicts, Cooperation and Energy Supplies, 27-46. Rome: Edizioni Epoké, 2014.
"Psychosocial Facets of Resilience: Implications for Preventing Posttrauma Psychopathology, Treating Trauma Survivors, and Enhancing Community Resilience." European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5, no. 1 (2014): 23970.
"Public Discussion: Making Sense of ISIS – The Islamic State and Changing Geostrategic Dynamics. Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2014.
Public Hearing of the Annual Work Program of the Agency for Electronic Communications 2015. Agency for Electronic Communications, 2014.
Public Value Governance: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Administration and the New Public Management." Public Administration Review 74, no. 4 74, no. 4 (2014): 445-56.
"Pussy Riot as Agent Provocateur: Conspiracy Theories and the Media Construction of Nation in Putin's Russia." Nationalities Papers 42, no. 4 (2014): 622-636.
"Putin answered the Kazakhstan question. Tengri News, 2014.
Putin Ends the Interregnum. The American Interest, 2014.
Putin Mediates Talks between Armenia, Azerbaijan on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict." The Wall Street Journal (2014).
"Putin’s Fabricated Claim of a Fascist Threat in Ukraine." Forbes (2014).
"Putin’s Grand Strategy: The Eurasian Union and Its Discontents. Washington, D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, 2014.
Putin’s Machiavellian Moment." The Weekly Wonk (2014).
"Putin supported Sisi: the Kremlin’s Egyptian gambit. Vol. 14 February 2014. BBC (Russian service), 2014.
Putin: the Arab Spring has become an Arab Winter. Vol. 18 March 2014. RBK daily, 2014.
Q&A: Terror Controls Explained. The Telegraph, 2014.
Q&A: Ukraine’s Donbas Battalion Commander Seeks US Support. Voice of America, 2014.
Quaderno 2012-2013 Della Società Italiana di Storia Militare. American Legacy, 2014.
Qualitative methods. Research Methods Knowledge Base. Web Center for Social Research Methods, 2014.
Questionnaire on Active Reserve. Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Defence, 2014.
Questionnaire on the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security. Permanent Delegation of Norway to OSCE, 2014.
Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures: Processing and applications. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014.