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Significant Cyber Incidents since 2006. CSIS, 2014.
Signs of technologies of ‘hybrid war’ in aggressive actions of Russia against Ukraine." Science and Defense 3 (2014): 17-25.
"Simulation of Self-organizing Multi-Robotic System used for Area Coverage and Surround of Found Targets ." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2014).
"Simulation of Self-organizing Multi-Robotic System used for Area Coverage and Surround of Found Targets ." Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2014).
"Simultane Zustands- und Existenzsch¨atzung mit chronologisch ungeordneten Sensordaten f¨ur die Fahrzeugumfelderfassung In Fakult¨at f¨ur Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik. Vol. Doktor-Ingenieurs. Universit¨at Ulm, 2014.
Simultaneous tracking and RSS model calibration by robust filtering ." In 2014 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers ., 2014.
"Simultaneous tracking and RSS model calibration by robust filtering." In 2014 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers., 2014.
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Smart Defence, NATO A-Z., 2014.
Smart Grid Cybersecurity Strategy Architecture and High-Level Requirements In The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, Technical Report ., 2014.
Smarter Smart Defence: Multinational Cooperation facilitated In NEDP project report, NATO HQ. NCI Agency and NSPA, 2014.
Social Integration Buffers Stress in New York Police after the 9/11 Terrorist Attack." Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 27, no. 1 (2014): 18-26.
"Social Network Analysis Applied to Criminal Networks: Recent Developments in Dutch Law Enforcement." In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security, 121-159. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
"Social Resilience in Times of Protracted Crises: An Israeli Case Study." Armed Forces & Society 40, no. 3 (2014): 452-475.
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Societal security and small states." In Small States and International Security: Europe and Beyond. New York: Routledge, 2014.
"Socio-economic voter profile and motives for Islamist support in Morocco." Party Politics 20, no. 1 (2014): 116-133.
"The Soldier and Liberal Society: Societal-Military Relations in Germany and the United Kingdom. Vol. PhD. Aberystwyth University, 2014.
The Soldier and Liberal Society: Societal-Military Relations in Germany and the United Kingdom. Vol. PhD. Aberystwyth University, 2014.
Solomon Ginsburg: Fleeing Europe. Vol. 2 July 2014. Official website of Civic Platform, 2014.
Solving the Syrian Knot: Dynamics within the UN Security Council and Challenges to its Effectiveness." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 13, no. 2 (2014): 25-50.
"Some Notes on Human Trafficking in the South Caucasus." Iran and the Caucasus 18, no. 2 (2014): 181-190 .
"Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don’t Know So Far. Wired, 2014.
Source Independence in the Theory of Belief Functions In Computer Science. Université de Rennes, Université de Tunis, 2014.