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Rumors About Uzbekistan Leader’s Health Set Off Succession Debate." The New York Times (2013): A14.
" Russia in a Multipolar World. Its Place on the International Stage and Its Foreign Policy. Vol. Masters In Political Science. Université Du Québec A Montréal, 2013.
Russia’s Pacific Destiny. Russian Council on International Affairs, 2013.
Russia’s Putin says Egypt moving towards civil war. Vol. 7 July 2013. Reuters, 2013.
Russia’s Southern Outpost (Iuzhnyi forpost Rossii)." Krasnaia zvezda (2013).
"Russia’s Surveillance State." World Policy Journal (2013).
"Russia, Uzbekistan Agree to Join Hands to Meet Afghanistan Threats." Rossiyskaya Gazeta (2013).
"Russia Will Arm Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Kommersant Online, 2013.
"Russian Ambassador Assassinated in Abkhazia." The Washington Post (2013).
Russian Direct Investments Make up 39.5% of Foreign Direct Investments into Armenia’s Economy. ARKA News Agency, 2013.
Russian Federation foreign policy concept 2013. official website of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2013.
Russia's Impact On Osh Conflict 2010 Through Kyrgyz Nationalism. Khazar University, 2013.
Russo-Georgian Rapprochement: A Light at the End of the Tunnel. Vienna: LandesvertidigungAkademie, 2013.
Saakashvili’s Regime Terrors Were Shown in the US Congress." Izvestia (2013).
" Scenario method and stakeholder engagement: Critical reflections on a climate change scenarios case study." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80, no. 1 (2013): 1-10.
"Scenario Space for Alternative Futures of Security Research." Information & Security: An International Journal 29, no. 2 (2013): 111-119.
"The Second American Century? It’s Already Here." Washington Post (2013).
"Second Chief Information Officers Conference. NATO Communications and Information Agency, 2013.
Secrets and threats – why hard drives were smashed." Guardian (2013): 4-5.
"Secular Theology and Noble Sacrifice: The Ethics of Michael Walzer's Just War Theory." Review of International Studies (2013).
"Secure E-Government Framework: Design and Implementation." International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET) 3, no. 5 (2013): 186-193.