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A Fourth Way in Professional Military Education." War on the Rocks (2018).
"Fra taktisk elite til strategisk tilrettelegger–hvordan Forsvarets spesialstyrker kan møte fremtidens utfordringer In FFI-RAPPORT. Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI), 2018.
Framework for Future Alliance Operations: 2018 Report. Allied Command Transformation, 2018.
A Framework of Dynamic Cybersecurity Incident Response to Improve Incident Response Agility. Vol. PhD Dissertation. Melbourne: School of Computing and Information System, The University of Melbourne, 2018.
Freedom on the Net 2018: The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism. Freedom House, 2018.
From Business Modeling to Platform Design In Whitepaper. Inno Tribe, 2018.
From Crimea to Salisbury: Time to Acknowledge Putin’s Global Hybrid War. The Atlantic Council, 2018.
"From Words to Wisdom." KNIME Press (2018).
Fundamentals of the theory and practice of data mining in the field of cyber security: a textbook. Kyiv: Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 2018.
Fusion multimodale pour la reconnaissance d’espèces d’arbres In Traitement du signal et de l’image. Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018.
The Future of Terrorism: The Practitioners’ View." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 2 (2018): 77-81.
"The Future of War Will Be ‘Liked’." Foreign Policy (2018).
"Gamification and educational computer games in open source learning management systems as a part of assessment In 17th International Conference Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), IEEE. Portugal, 2018.
Gamification in Education as a Way for Improving Student Knowledge and Productivity In 11th International Scientific Conference "Digital Economy and Blockchain Technologies". Varna, 2018.
GDP Growth vs. Criminal Phenomena: Data Mining of Japan 1926-2013." AI & SOCIETY 33, no. 2 (2018): 261-274.
"GDP growth vs. criminal phenomena: data mining of Japan 1926–2013." AI & SOCIETY 33, no. 2 (2018): 261-274.
"GDPR Fines and Penalties. Nathan Trust, 2018.
Generalizability vs. robustness: adversarial examples for medical imaging." arXiv e-prints (2018).
"Generalized Net Model of Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm." In Neural Networks and Ap¬plications 2018 (ANNA’18). St. St. Konstantin and Elena Resort, Bulgaria, 2018.
"Generalized Net Model of Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Parameter Adaptation." Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set 24, no. 3 (2018): 92-104.
"Generalized Net Model of Bio¬metric Identification Process In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies. Siela, 2018.
Generalized Net Model of Fingerprint Recognition with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Evaluations." ntelligent Systems and Computing 641 (2018): 286-294.
"Generalized Net Model of Multicriteria Decision Making Procedure Using InterCriteria Analysis." Intelligent Systems and Computing 641 (2018): 99-111.
"Generalized net model of the cooperation between the Departments of transfusion Haematology and the National Centre of transfusion Haematology In Ad¬vances in Neural Networks and Applications 2018 (ANNA’18). St. Konstantin and Elena Resort, Bulgaria, 2018.