
Export 21398 results:
Turkey halts $19.5 billion in military procurement due to fiscal crisis In Middle East Newsline. World, 2001.
Turkey reduces military budget due to economic woes In Middle East Newsline. World, 2001.
Holland, Ben. "Turkey Unveils Austerity Budget." Associated Press Writer (Istanbul) (2001).
Näf, Michael. "Ubiquitous Insecurity? How to “Hack” IT Systems." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 104-118.
Ukraine in figures in the year 2000 (Україна за цифрами 2000 року). Kyiv, 2001.
Ukrainian regional bulletin (Український регіональний бюлетень)., 2001.
Helly, Damien. "Un corridor de transport Asie-Europe, l’Union européenne et sa Route de la Soie." Courrier des pays de l’Est (2001): 52-64.
Byman, Daniel L.. "Uncertain Partners: NGOs and the Military." Survival 43, no. 2 (2001).
Grootaert, Christiaan, and Thierry van Bastelaer. Understanding and Measuring Social Capital: A Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations from the Social Capital Initiative In Social Capital Initiative Working Paper., 2001.
White, Brian. Understanding European Foreign Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.
Alberts, David S., John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes, and David A. Signori. Understanding Information Age Warfare . Washington DC: CCRP, DoD, USA, 2001, 2001.
Weis, Thomas G., David P. Forsythe, and Roger A. Coate. United Nations and Changing World Politics . Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001.
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Inter-cept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act)., 2001.
Johansson, Eva. The Unknown Soldier: A Portrait of the Swedish Peacekeeper at the Threshold of the 21st Century. Karlstad: Karlstad University Studies, 2001.
Sloan, Stanley R.. "The U.S. and Europe Need New Marriage Vows." Wall Street Journal – Europe (2001).
Shaffer, Brenda. “U.S. Policy Toward the Caspian Region: Recommendations for the Bush Administration In Caspian Studies Program. Cambridge University, 2001.
Borger, Julian, and Martin Hodgson. "US Proxy War on Drugs." The Guardian (2001).
Gugel, Susan A., David R. Pratt, and Rafael A. Smith. Using Q-Learning to Control Individual Combatants In Tenth Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation. Norfolk VA, 2001.
Puzant, Raphael. “Uzbek Crackdown on Religion Continues Unabated. Eurasianet, 2001.
Brown, Sheryl, and Margarita Studemeister. "Virtual Diplomacy: Rethinking Foreign Policy Practice in the Information Age." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 28-44.
Volunteer Law no. 195 of 20 April 2001., 2001.
Vygoda – nash rulevoy” In Prot is Our Guide., 2001.
Clark, General Wesley K.. Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat . New York: Public Affairs, 2001.
Clark, Wesley. Waging modern war: Bosnia, Kosovo and the future of combat. New York: Public affairs, Perseus Books Group, 2001.
Weisbrot, Mark. "A War against Civilians?" Common Dreams News Center (2001).
