Training as a Tool of Fostering CIP Concept Implementation: Results of a Table Top Exercise on Critical Energy Infrastructure Resilience
Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 40, Issue 2, p.120-128 (2018)Keywords:
critical energy infrastructure protection, resilience, table-top exercise, trainingAbstract:
Establishing a state-wide system of critical infrastructure protection requires significant efforts and investments. This is even more challenging for the countries that introduce this new approach into the everyday activity of the state agencies within existing state systems and procedures. The absence of a common working language, unified procedures of communication and interactions seriously hinders the process of establishing the critical infrastructure protection system in Ukraine. Training programs are believed to be useful tools contributing towards the purpose of building up proper foundation for further improvement of legislation and procedures in the field. One of the educational and training tools are the collective exercise, which are most relevant for developing common understanding of the problem by participants, who usually work separately. This article describes the Ukrainian efforts in providing personnel of the involved state agencies with knowledge of the policies, plans, methods and tools of critical infrastructure protection. The description of planning and results of the first national level table-top exercise on Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection “Coherent Resilience 2017” are presented in the paper as well.
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