Testbed for implementation of advanced IT Participation
Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 6, p.132-137 (2001)Keywords:
automated management system, C2 management, defense R&D., prototyping, Research and Demonstration CenterAbstract:
The development of C4ISR systems, systems to automate command and control, and system for automation of administrative and force management have priority in the modernization of the Bulgarian defense establishment. This article describes the Bulgarian experience in the provision of scientific support and environment for evolutionary development and testing of advanced information and communications technologies for the needs of defense. A Research and Demonstration Center was created in the Institute for Advanced Defense Research Institute at the “Rakovski” Defense College in Sofia. The author describes the purpose, the structure and the initial experience in the work of the Research and Demonstration Center and claims that it is of vital importance for the Ministry of Defense, the Bulgarian armed forces and the state administration.
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