Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience (Driver+)
DRIVER+ is the new phase of the DRIVER project.
First Press Release, October 2017
By April 2020 Driver+ is committed to deliver and make sustainable:
- A pan-European Test-Bed for Crisis Management capability development enabling practitioners to create a space in which stakeholders can collaborate in testing and evaluating new products, tools, processes or organisational solutions.
- A Portfolio of Solutions (PoS) in the form of a database-driven website that aims at documenting all DRIVER+ solutions. These will be tested via trials during the project lifetime. Ultimately, the PoS will be opened up to any external organisations willing to share data and experiences of solutions.
- A shared understanding in Crisis Management across Europe through the enhancement of the cooperation framework. This will be achieved, amongst others, by building a dedicated Community of Practice in Crisis Management (CoPCM), closely aligned to and supporting the Community of Users (CoU) initiative from DG HOME and the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC).
The Institute of ICT contributes to Driver+ through the Centre for Security and Defence Management.
What has changed
In the transition from Driver to Driver+, the project structure was simplified to more clearly link the objectives and the results of the project and to improve the path towards successful implementation of the project plans. To reflect the new architecture of the project, the leadership and project management team have changed, some partners have left and new partners were introduced to the consortium.
In addition, the involvement of external stakeholders, Crisis Management experts, practitioners and solution providers has been significantly enhanced. DRIVER+ is resolutely opened to the external world and its success will largely depend on its capacity to develop strong links with external collaborators. To achieve this, DRIVER+ will foster the formation of a Community of Practice on Crisis Management (CoPCM), linking existing Crisis Management networks and organising events especially tailored for that purpose.
Support DRIVER+ and Join the Crisis Management Community!
To increase the relevance of the project results, and ensure that the DRIVER+ trials are conducted taking into account the technological state-of-the-art and relevant knowledge available outside of the consortium, the project events will be opened up to additional innovative solution providers, experts and practitioners; these will have, in return, the opportunity to use the expertise generated as part of the project to support their own initiatives.
Your expertise, lessons learnt and best practices from past experience are of great value to the consortium, so that we can jointly progress in the critical areas of Crisis Management and create acceptance for new solutions and approaches towards the successful introduction of innovation in the field.
If you are interested to get involved in the DRIVER+ activities to offer your solutions to the trials or to get your hands on innovative technology and share best practices and experiences, you are cordially invited to contact us at: cooperation@projectdriver.eu
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