
Export 8458 results:
Gardiner, Stephen M.. "The Real Tragedy of the Commons." Philosophy and Public Affairs 30, no. 4 (2001): 387-416.
Shepherd, H.A.. "On the Realization of Human Potential: A Path with a Heart." In The Organizational Behavior Reader. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Pastore, Ferruccio. Reconciling the Prince's Two Arms: Internal-external security coordination in the European Union In Occasional Paper . Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2001.
Sosay, Gül. Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Balkans In International Seminar on Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Balkans: Towards Harmonized Perceptions and Cooperative Security Studies . Istanbul: Center for European Studies, 2001.
Beyani, Chaloka, and Damian Lilly. "Regulating Private Military Companies: Options for the UK Government." International Alert (2001).
Beyani, Chaloka, and Damian Lilly. "Regulating Private Military Companies – Options for the UK Government." International Alert (2001).
Forte, David F.. "Religion is Not the Enemy." National Review Online (2001).
Moldaliev, O.. Religioznyi ekstremizm i mezhdunarodny terrorizm kak factory dastabilizatsii Tsentralnoy Azii (Religious Extremism and International Terrorism as Destabilization Factors in Central Asia). Almaty: Working Group on Central Asia, 2001.
Bush, George W.. Remarks by the President at Opening of NATO Meeting. Brussels, Belgium: NATO Headquarters, 2001.
Bush, George W.. Remarks, Warsaw University 2001., 2001.
Report of the U.K. Services Command and Staff College in 2001., 2001.
Hall, Robert, and Carl Fox. "Rethinking Security." NATO Review 49:4 (2001).
Macierewicz, Antoni. "The Revolution of Nihilism." Glos (2001).
Risk Management: A Tool for Improving Nuclear Power Plant Performance. IAEA-TECDOC-1209, 2001.
Bruyninckx, H., J. Xiao, J. De Schutter, E. Staffetti, L. Mihaylova, and T. Lefebvre. A roadmap on autonomous robotic assembly In International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning. Fukuoka, Japan, 2001.
Thrun, S., D. Fox, W. Burgard, and F. Dellaert. "Robust Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots." Artificial Intelligence 128 (2001): 99-141.
Forero, Juan. "Role of US Companies in Colombia Is Questioned." The New York Times (2001).
Motoc, Mihnea. Romania and NATO In Address by State Secretary of the Romanian Foreign Ministry at the International Seminar., 2001.
"Romania Has ‘No Objections’ to U.S. Missile Defense Plans." RFE/RL Newsline 5, no. 112 (2001): Part II.
Krivosheyev, Grigoriy F.. Rossiya i SSSR v voynakh XX veka. Poteri vooruzhennykh sil. Statisticheskoe issledovanie. Moscow: OLMA-Press, 2001.
Rubin, Trudy. "Rumsfeld Has Peculiar View of U.S. Role." The Des Moines Register (2001): 7.
"Rumsfeld ‘Pushing’ to Get U.S. Out of Bosnia." Deutsche Presse-Agentur (2001).
Glinski-Vassiliev, Dmitri. "Russia Faces NATO Expansion: Bearing Gifts or Bearing Arms?" Survival 43, no. 1 (2001): 176.
Bishop, LuAnn. Russia’s ‘identity crisis’ must be worked out internally, Brzezinski says. Yale Bulletin and Calendar News Stories, 2001.
Thomas, Timothy L.. "Russian and Chinese Views of Information Warfare." Washington, D.C. , 2001.
