
Export 8458 results:
Meijer, Johannes, and Arjan der Berg. Handbook of Environmental Policy . Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
Higher Education: Use of New Data Could Help Improve Oversight of Distance Education. U.S. Congress by the United States Government Accountability Office, 2011.
McGregor, Andrew. Hot Issue – Has Al-Qaeda Opened A New Chapter in the Sinai Peninsula?. Jamestown Foundation, 2011.
IAEA Mission Report: The Great East Japan Earthquake Expert Mission. Vienna: IAEA, 2011.
Imarat Kavkaz. Ogon sviashchennogo jihada [The Caucasus Emirate. The Fire of Holy Jihad]., 2011.
Mölling, Christian, and Sophie-Charlotte Brune. The Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Defence. European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies, 2011.
Taylor, Claire. In Brief: Parliamentary Approval for Deploying the Armed Forces. House of Commons Standard Note SN/IA/5908 (Lon¬don: House of Commons Library, 2011.
Giles, Keir. "‘Information Troops’—A Russian Cyber Command?" In 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 50. Tallinn: CCD COE Publications, 2011.
Initial Analysis of the Industrial Case Studies. Aniketos Deliverable 6.1, 2011.
Davies, Neil, A. Eager, M. Maier, and L. Penfold. Intergenerational Equipment Cost Escalation In DASA-DESA, Economic Working Paper Series. London: U.K.: Ministry of Defence, 2011.
Hodge, Graeme A., Carsten Greve, and Anthony E. Boardman. International Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Born, Hans, Ian Leigh, and Aidan Wills. International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability . London: Routlege, 2011.
International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security and Openness in a Networked World. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2011.
Krasner, Stephen D.. "International Support for State-Building: Flawed Consensus." PRISM Security Studies Journal 2, no. 3 (2011): 65-74.
"Interview with Konstantin Syroyezhkin." ObshestvenniiReiting (2011).
Ganuza, Néstor, Alberto Hernández, and Daniel Benavente. An Introductory Study to Cyber Security in NEC. Tallinn: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2011.
Iran, Azerbaijan in Tense Caspian Standoff, Cables Show., 2011.
Iraq and Afghanistan: Actions Needed to Enhance the Ability of Army Brigades to Support the Advising Mission. Washington, D.C.: GAO, 2011.
Majumdar, Shuvaloy. The Iraq War and the Arab Spring. Global Brief, 2011.
Clinton, Hillary. Israeli Settlements Condemned by Western Powers. BBC News , 2011.
Clinton, Hillary. Israeli Settlements ‘Illegitimate’., 2011.
Aydintasbas, Asli. Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended'. Istanbul; in Turkish: Milliyet website, 2011.
Aydintasbas, Asli. Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended’?. Milliyet website (Istanbul; in Turkish) , 2011.
Bremmer, Ian. "The J-curve hits the Middle East." Financial Times (2011).
Joint Statement by Cybersecurity Coordinator Schmidt and Deputy Secretary Klimashin: U.S. and Russian Delegations Meet to Discuss Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace., 2011.
