
Export 8450 results:
Coward, Curtis M., and Jeffrey B. Bialos. The Bulgarian Defense Industry: Strategic Options for Transformation, Reorientation and NATO Integration. Washington DC: The Atlantic Council of the United States, 2001.
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Beaumont, Peter. "Bush to Raise Private Army in Drugs War." The Observer (2001).
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Shaw, Russel. The Catholic Response to Terrorism ., 2001.
Jonson, Lena, and Roy Allison. "Central Asian Security: Internal and External Dynamics." In Central Asian Security: The New International Context. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press/ London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2001.
Szayna, Thomas S.. "Chapter Two: The Planning Context." In NATO Enlargement, 2000-2015: Determinants and Implications for Defense Planning and Shaping, 30. Vol. 1243. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2001.
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Hachigian, Nina. "China’s Cyber-Strategy." Foreign Affairs (2001): 119-120.
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Gellman, Barton. "CIA Weighs ‘Targeted Killing’ Missions." Washington Post (2001): A01.
Behar, Nansen. "Civil-Military Relations and the New Defense and Security Legislation in Bulgaria." In Legal Framing of the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Security Sector: Norms and Reality/es. Geneva: DCAF, 2001.
Pantev, Plamen, Todor Tagarev, and Valeri Ratchev. "Civil-Military Relations in Bulgaria: Aspects, Factors, Problems." In Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe: National Perspectives and PfP Standards, edited by Plamen Pantev, 31-62. Vienna: Institut fuer Internationale Friedenssicherung, 2001.
Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe: A Survey of the National Perspectives and of the Adaptation Process to the Partnership for Peace Standards, Edited by Plamen Pantev. Vienna: Institut fuer Internationale Friedenssicherung, 2001.
Narli, Nilufer. "Civil-Military Relations in Turkey." In International Conference, Taking Stock on Civil-Military Relations. Hague, The Netherlands: Centre for European Security Studies, The Netherlands, Centre for Security and Defence, Canada, the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2001.
Mandell, Myrna P.. "Collaboration through Network Structures for Community Building Efforts." National Civic Review 90, no. 3 (2001): 279-87.
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Konstantinova, Pavlina, and Kiril Alexiev. "A Comparison of Two Hypothesis Generation Algorithms in JPDAF Multiple Target Tracking." International Conference on Computer System and Technologies (2001).
Kurose, James F., and Keith W. Ross. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet. Addison Wesley, 2001.
Penzar, Dražen, Armano Srbljinović, and Ognjen Škunca. "Computer Wargames: Combat Models of Different Resolutions." Polemos 4, no. 1 (2001).
Concept for Planning, Programming, and Budgeting in the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces . Sofia: Military Publ. House, 2001.
Harnisch, Sebastian, and Hanns W. Maull. "Conclusion: Learned its Lesson Well? Germany as a Civilian Power Ten Years after Unification." In Germany as a Civilian Power: The Foreign Policy of the Berlin Republic, 128-56. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2001.
