
Export 8458 results:
Russia, Austria Urge States to Expedite South Stream Deal. RIA Novosti, 2009.
Kramer, David J.. The Russia Challenge: Prospects for US-Russian Relations In Policy Brief. Washington, D.C.: The German Marshall Fund, 2009.
Russia, China Agree on West Siberia, Far East Gas Supplies. RIA Novosti, 2009.
"Russia, Croatia to Sign South Stream Deal in 2010." The Journal of Turkish Weekly (2009).
Kramer, Andrew E.. "Russia Gas Pipeline Heightens East Europe’s Fears." New York Times (2009).
Russia Has no Alternative to Sevastopol Base—Naval Expert., 2009.
Paramonov, Vladimir, Aleksey Strokov, and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia in Central Asia: Policy, Security and Economics. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Blagov, Sergei. "Russia Resumes Electricity Exports to China." Eurasia Daily Monitor 6, no. 65 (2009).
"Russia’s Failure to Catch." Expert (2009).
Marson, James. "Russia’s Medvedev Hits Ukraine President’s Pro-West Stance." Wall Street Journal (2009).
Russia’s National Security Strategy to 2020. National Security Council of the Russian Federation, 2009.
Russia Sends More Warships to Fight Somali Pirates: Report. AFP, 2009.
Russia, Slovenia Premiers among 70,000 WC-2010 Football Fans. RIA Novosti, 2009.
"Russian Base for Fighting Pirates." Nezavismoye Voyennoye Obozrenie (2009).
"Russian Cruiser Pyotr Veliky Leaves India." RIA Novosti (2009).
"Russian Cruiser 'Pyotr Veliky' Leaves India." RIA Novosti (2009).
Russian Embassy in Kenya to Give Consular Support to Faina Sailors. ITAR-TASS, 2009.
Woehrel, Steven. Russian Energy Policy toward Neighboring Countries. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009.
Vidalenc, Sabrina. Russian Far East: A New Frontier?., 2009.
"Russian Federation Made Concrete Proposals to NATO on Fighting Pirates." Rosbalt (2009).
Secrieru, Stanislav. Russian Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis: Greater Compliance or Resilient Self-confidence? In CEPS Policy Brief., 2009.
Oliker, Olga, Keith Crane, Lowell H. Schwartz, and Catherine Yusupov. Russian Foreign Policy: Sources and Implications. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Project Air Force, 2009.
Zeihan, Peter. The Russian Gas Trap. Stratfor Global Intelligence, 2009.
Russian, Indian Warships Escort Commercial Ships off Somali Coast. RIA Novosti, 2009.
"Russian Navy Arrests Eight ‘Pirates’ who Seized the Cargo Ship ‘Arctic Sea’." Daily Telegraph (2009).
