
Export 8458 results:
Shafer, G.. "The Combination of Evidence." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 (1986): 155-179.
Canny, John. "A Computational Approach to Edge Detection." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 8, no. 6 (1986): 679-714.
Waltz, Edward L., and Dennis M. Buede. "Data Fusion and Decision Support for Command and Control." In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , 865-879. Vol. 6., 1986.
Hopple, G.W.. "Decision Aiding Dangers: The Law of the Hammer and Other Maxims." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC 16, no. 6 (1986): 948-963.
Jenkins, Brian M.. "Defense Against Terrorism." Political Science Quarterly 101, no. 5 (1986): 778.
Avizienis, Algirdas, and Jean-Claude Laprie. "Dependable Computing: From Concepts to Design Diversity." Proceeding of the IEEE 74 (1986).
Benaloh, Josh C., and Moti Yung. Distributing the Power of a Government to Enhance the Privacy of Voters In 5th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) (Calgary, Alberta, Canada). New York, USA: ACM, 1986.
Lesh, S.A.. An Evidential Theory Approach to Judgment-Based Decision Making. Durham, NC: Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University, 1986.
Cohen, Steven. "An expert system framework for non-monotonic reasoning about probabilistic assumptions." Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 1 (1986).
Dewey, John. How we think. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986.
Casey, William J.. "The International Linkages; What Do We Know?" In Hydra of Carnage: International Linkages of Terrorism: The Witnesses Speak. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986.
Casey, William J.. "The International Linkages; What Do We Know?" In Hydra of Carnage: International Linkages of Terrorism: The Witnesses Speak, 5-15. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986.
Ruspini, E.H.. The Logical Foundation of Evidential Reasoning. Menlo park, CA: SRI International, 1986.
Paret, Peter. Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986.
Military and Paramilitary Activities. Nicaragua v. U.S., 1986.
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua In International Court of Justice Reports., 1986.
Blackman, Samuel S.. Multiple Target Tracking with Radar Applications . Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1986.
Blackman, Samuel S.. "Multiple-Target Tracking with Radar Applications ." Norwood, MA: Artech House (1986).
Blackman, S.. Multitarget tracking with Radar Apllications. Artech House, 1986.
Harmon, Michael M., and Richard T. Mayer. Organization Theory for Public Administration. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co, 1986.
Mahoney, Dennis J.. Preamble In The Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co, 1986.
Farina, Alfonso, and Flavio A. Studer. Radar Data Processing . Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England: Research Studies Press, 1986.
Farina, Alfonso, and Flavio A. Studer. Radar Data Processing. J. Wiley & Sons, 1986.
Beck, Ulrich. Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne . Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1986.
Dubois, D., and H Prade. "A Set-Theoretic View of Belief Functions." International Journal General Systems 12 (1986): 193-226.
