
Export 8432 results:
Fullen, Michael A., Andres Arnalds, Paolo Bazzoffi, Colin A. Booth, Victor Castillo, Ádám Kertész, Philippe Martin, Coen Ritsema, Albert Solé Benet, Véronique Souchére et al. "Government and Agency Response to Soil Erosion Risk in Europe." In Soil Erosion in Europe, ed. John Boardman and Jean Poesen (Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 2006), 805-828, 805-828. Michael A Fullen, Andres Arnalds, Paolo Bazzoffi, Colin A Booth, Victor Castillo, Ádám Kertész, Philippe Martin, . Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 2006.
Nugent, Neill. The Government and Politics of the European Union. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006.
Governments Discuss Stopping Sea-Borne Weapons Trafficking. U.S. Department of State , 2006.
Van Creveld, Martin. "Grausamkeit oder Zurückhaltung. Wie reguläre Armeen asymmetrische Kriege gewinnen können." Internationale Politik 61, no. 4 (2006): 87.
Iazmuradov, Atajan. "Greater South Asia – America’s New Regional Approach to Central and South Asia: How It is Developing and What Prompted It." Central Asia and the Caucasus 4, no. 40 (2006): 80.
The Green Party, the Liberals and the Left Party Decide to Set up a COI to Inquire into the BND Scandal. Der Spiegel online, 2006.
Dešković, Marin, and Dragan Grdić. "A Group of Weapons Smugglers Captured." Vjesnik (2006).
Guidance on Analyzing Investment Projects According to Cost and Benefits . Sofia: Ministry of Finance, 2006.
Levitt, Mathew. Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad. New Haven: CT: Yale University Press, 2006.
Handbook. Brussels: NATO, Office of Information and Press, 2006.
Riebling, Mark. Hard won lessons: the new paradigm – merging law enforcement and counterterrorism strategies In Safe Cities Project., 2006.
Guliev, Elchin. Head of State Border Protection Service of Azerbaijan., 2006.
Runge, Peter. "Helfer in Uniform? Militäreinsätze in der humanitären Hilfe." Wissenschaft & Frieden, special issue on “Zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit, no. 4 (2006).
Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005., 2006.
O’Rourke, Ronald. Homeland Security: Coast Guard Operations—Background and Issues for Congress. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2006.
Verluise, Pierre. How the EU Reinforces Russia’s Power., 2006.
Jintao, Hu. Hu Jintao, speech at the sixth SCO Summit. Shanghai: the web-site of the Foreign Ministry of China, 2006.
Gearan, Anne. "Hughes: Fixing U.S. Image May Take Years." Associated Press (2006).
Antoliš, K.. "Human Resources in Combating Terrorism." Modern Traffic (Zagreb) 26, no. 5 (2006): 285-384.
Human Rights Watch, Too High a Price, The Human Rights Cost of the Indonesian Military’s Economic Activities., 2006.
A. Glendon, Ian, Sharon G. Clarke, and Eugene F. McKenna. Human Safety and Risk Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2006.
"If Called to Lebanon, NATO ‘Could Go In‘." International Herald Tribune (2006).
Wong, Yung H.. Ignoring the Innocent: Non-combatants in Urban Operations and in Military Models and Simulations., 2006.
Implementing the PAP-DIB: The Education and Training for Defense Reform Initiative – Guidelines for Development. NATO, 2006.
Van Caelenberge, Maj.Gen. Gerard. "Improving Effectiveness and Capabilities." NATO’s Nations and Partners for Peace 50 (2006): 53-54.
