
Export 8457 results:
Marsh, David. Project D3 – CLIL Matrix In Central Workshop. Graz: European Centre for Modern Languages, 2005.
Heldman, Kim. Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management. Alameda, CA: SYBEX, 2005.
Edmunds, Bryan D.. Project Portfolio Management: An Investigation of One Air Force Product Center. Air Force Institute of Technology, 2005.
Winner, Andrew C.. "The Proliferation Security Initiative: The New Face of Interdiction." The Washington Quarterly 28, no. 2 (2005): 130.
Umarov, Adiljon, and Dmitry Pashkun. "The Prospects for Chinese Influence in Central Asia." CEF Quarterly–The Journal of the China-Eurasia Forum (2005).
PSI Frequently Asked Questions. U.S. Department of State, 2005.
Hidayat, Komaruddin. "Psikologi Terorisme." Kompas (2005).
Post, Jerrold M.. "Psychological Operations and Counterterrorism." Joint Force Quarterly 37 (2005).
Kilroy, Jr., Richard J.. "Public Diplomacy: Government, Universities, and the War on Terrorism." Journal of Public Affairs 132 (2005).
Thomas, Brian Johnson, and Mark Franchetti. "Radioactive Rockets ‘For Sale’ in Breakaway Soviet Republic." Times (2005).
M.L, Gagnon. Rapport Fusion de Donn´ees In Technical Report, D´epartement de G´enie Electrique et de G´enie informatique, Universit´e de Laval, Canada., 2005.
Mishra, Pankaj. "The Real Afghanistan." New York Review of Books (2005): 44-48.
Bacevich, Andrew J.. "The Realist Persuasion." The Boston Globe (2005).
Umpleby, Stuart A.. "Reflexivity in Social Systems: The Theories of George Soros." In Annual meeting of the American Society for Cybernetics. Washington, DC: The George Washington University, 2005.
Surtees, Rebecca. Regional Clearing Point’s Second Annual Report on Victims of Trafficking in South Eastern Europe. Geneva: IOM, 2005.
Walt, Stephen M.. "The Relationship Between Theory and Policy in International Relations." Annual Review of Political Science 8 (2005): 23-48.
Joseph, Robert G.. Remarks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing on U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative . U.S. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, , 2005.
R. Burns, Nicholas. Remarks to the Thirteenth Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe In Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2005.
Report on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Typologies 2004-2005, FATF-XV . Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), 2005.
Sebelumnya, Berita. "RI Removed from Money Laundering List." Jakarta Post (2005).
Porth, Jacquelyn S.. Rice Says Proliferation Security Initiative Is Yielding Results. U.S. Department of State International Information Programs, 2005.
Cook, Stephen A.. "The Right Way to Promote Arab Reform." Foreign Affairs 84, no. 2 (2005).
Ford, Richard, Herbert H. Thompson, and Fabien Casteran. Role Comparison Report – Web Server Role. Melbourne, FL, 2005.
"A Role of Pride and Influence in the World ." In Canada: Department of National Defence ., 2005.
A Role of Pride and Influence in the World: Defense. Canada’s International Policy Statement, 2005.
