
Export 8457 results:
Lozowick, Yaacov. Right to Exist: A Moral Defense of Israel’s Wars. New York: Random House, 2003.
Zheleznyakov, A.B.. Rocket Downfall during Launching. Saint-Petersburg, Russia: System, 2003.
Kharchenko, Vyacheslav S., Vladimir V. Sklyar, and Olga M. Tarasyuk. "Rocket-space Risk Analysis: Evolution of Sources and Tendencies." Radio-Electronic and Computer System 3, no. 3 (2003).
Prestowitz, Clyde. Rogue Nation. American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions. New York: Basic Books, 2003.
Russia Has Lost its Army. DefenceTalk, 2003.
Russian Draft Memorandum on the basic principles of the state structure of a united state in Moldova., 2003.
Marash, David. "Saddam’s Serb Supplier: How our Last Enemy Has Been Arming our Next One." Washington Monthly (2003).
Asmani, Ma’mur. "Salafi Radikal, Pesantren, dan Terorisme." Jaringan Islam Liberal (2003).
Lindgren, Mats, and Hans Banhold. Scenario Planning: The Link between Future and Strategy. Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2003.
Lindgren, Mats, and Hans Bandhold. "Scenario Planning: The Link between Future and Strategy ." Palgrave Macmillan (2003).
R. Smith, Jeffrey, and Amy DePaul. "Scout’ Had Low Profile." The Washington Post (2003).
Rumsfeld, Donald H.. Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to the President and the Congress. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World., 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World. European Security Strategy. Brussels: European Union, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy. Brussels: European Union, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy (ESS). Brussels: European Council, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World – The European Security Strategy. Brussels: European Council, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World - The European Security Strategy. Brussels: European Council, 2003.
A Secure Europe in a Better World - The European Security Strategy In European Council. Brussels, 2003.
Clarke, John L.. "Securing the European Homeland." Journal of Homeland Security 1 (2003).
Grizold, Anton. Security and Cooperation in Southeastern Europe. Ljubljana: Security Studies Collection, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2003.
Security and Defence in South-Eastern Europe In Centre for European Secxurity Studies. Vol. 16. Groningen,The Netherlands: Harmonie Papers, 2003.
Security Council Resolution 1474 In U.N. SCOR, 4737th mtg., 2003.
Lin, Iuon-Chang, Min-Shiang Hwang, and Chin-Chen Chang. "Security Enhancement for Anonymous Secure e-Voting over a Network." Computer Standards & Interfaces 25, no. 2 (2003): 131-139.
Co, Marianne Swanson &. Security Metrics Guide for Information Technology Systems. Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2003.
