
Export 8458 results:
Boese, Wade. "U.S., Russia at Odds on Key Arms Issues." Arms Control Today (2008).
Pincus, Walter. "U.S., Russia Split over Scope of Arms Treaty Follow-up but Concur on Goal, Negotiator Says." Washington Post (2008): 19.
Pillkahn, Ulf. Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development. Berlin and Munich: Publicis Corporate Publishing, 2008.
"U.S.-Kazakhstan Sign Five Year Defense Cooperation Plan." Interfax-Kazakhstan (2008).
Boese, Wade. "U.S.-Russian Strategic Dialogue in Limbo." Arms Control Today (2008).
Anušauskas, Arvydas. Visuomenės požiūris į korupciją. Priežastys ir pasekmės. Dešiniosios koalicijos “Vardan Lietuvos”, 2008.
Rybas, A. L.. Voenno-tehnicheskoe sotrudnichestvo Rossii s zarubezhnymi gosudarstvami: analiz rynkov. Moscow: Nauka, 2008.
Kellner, Douglas. "War Correspondents, the Military, and Propaganda: Some Critical Reflections." International Journal of Communication 2 (2008): 297-330.
War of Words in the Pankisi Highlights Limits to US-Russian Rapprochement In RFE RL Caucasus Report, February 28, 2002., 2008.
Hobsbawm, Eric. "War, Peace and Hegemony at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century." In War, Peace and Hegemony in a Globalized World, 15-24. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Antonenko, Oksana. "A War with No Winners." Survival 50, no. 5 (2008): 23-36.
Warden Message: Powerful Bombing at Islamabad Marriott in Pakistan In Consular Affairs Bulletins . Overseas Security Advisory Council, 2008.
Carpenter, Ted Galen. "What Russia Wants." The American Conservative (2008).
Rynning, Sten, and Jens Ringsmose. "Why Are Revisionist States Revisionist? Reviving Classical Realism as an Approach to Understanding International Change." International Politics 45 (2008): 26.
Hays, Jeffrey. Wind Power and Solar Energy in China. Facts and Details, 2008.
Zarate, Juan. Winning the War on Terror: Marking Success and Confronting Challenges. Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2008.
Wizja Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej – 2030 (The Polish Armed Forces’ Vision – 2030). Warsaw: Ministry of National Defense, 2008.
Adam, N.. Workshop on Future Directions in Critical Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation . Washington, D.C.: Department of Homeland Security, 2008.
Smick, David M.. The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy. Penguin Group, 2008.
Osborn, Andrew. "World News: Moscow Will Boost Defense Spending to $50 Billion – Con-flict in Georgia Exposed Deficiencies of Aging Arsenal." Wall Street Journal (2008).
World Trade Talks End in Collapse. BBC News, 2008.
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Косач, Г.. Арабские страны и независимость Косова. Институт Ближнего Востока, 2008.
Чирикова, А.Е.. Вертикаль власти в оценках региональных элит: динамика перемен In Политические исследования. Vol. 6., 2008.
Г.А. Зюганов в газете “Правда”: Китай – ключ к новой цивилизации. официальный сайт КПРФ, 2008.
