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Kosovo: No Good Alternatives to the Ahtisaari Plan In Executive Summary and Recommendations in International Crisis Group., 2007.
Kosovo Premier Asks to Join NATO’s PfP., 2007.
Harris, Megan. "Kosovo’s Uncertain Outlook." United Press International (2007).
Siuda, Tadeusz. Kształcenie i wychowanie młodzieży na rzecz bezpieczeństwa. Poradnik dla dyrektorów szkół i nauczycieli. Warsaw: ADAM, 2007.
"Kuda Plyvyot VMF Rossii." V.V.Zabros (2007).
Franco, E.. "La Chine Renfloue sa Marine pour Asseoir ses Ambitions Régionales." Armées d’aujourd’hui 320 (2007): 14.
Missiroli, Antonio, and Alessandro Pansa. "La difesa europea." In Il Melangolo., 2007.
Batista, Assol Borrego. La Guerra de Afganistán en el camino del fracaso. CEAO, 2007.
Law on Crises Management., 2007.
The Law on Defense. Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 47/07, 2007.
The Law on the Military of Montenegro. Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 47/07, 2007.
McNally, Robert K., Deepak Yavagal, Seok-Won Lee, and Wei-Ning Xia. "Learning the critical infrastructure interdependencies through an ontology-based information system." Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34, no. 6 (2007).
Davis, Paul K.. Lessons from Defense Planning and Analysis for Thinking about Systems of Systems In Complex System Engineering., 2007.
Darnis, Jean-Pierre, G. Gasparini, C. Grams, D. Kehoane, F. Liberti, J.P. Maulny, and M.B. Stumbaum. Lessons Learned from European Defence Equipment Programmes In Occasional Paper. Paris: WEU-ISS, 2007.
Lie, Sven Arne. "Lietuvoje šlubuoja demokratija." Lietuvos zinios (2007).
Lukaševičius, Tomas. Lietuvos ir lenkijos demokratinös ginkluotųjų pajögų kontrolös lyginamoji analizö, masters thesis. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio Universiteto, 2007.
Pasco, Xavier, Gaillard -Sborowski, Jean-Pierre Darnis, and Lucia Marta. LIMES Security Policy Definition, D7200.2 . Florence: FRS , 2007.
McCarthy, Michael J.. The Limits of Friendship: U.S. Security Cooperation In Central Asia. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press, 2007.
Barysch, Katinka, Simon Tilford, and Aurore Wanlin. The Lisbon Scorecard VII - Will Globalization Leave Europe Stranded?. London: Centre for European Reform, 2007.
LEHMANN, Tobias, and Andreas Karcher. "Logic Agents and Conceptual Interoperability through Semantic Web Technologies." In 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007. Keystone, Co, 2007.
Senor, Dan. "The Long Arm of Iran." Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition) (2007): A8.
Knudsen, Olav F.. "Looking to the Future: Security Strategies, Identity, and Power Disparity." In Security Strategies, Power Disparity and Identity. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2007.
Simes, Dimitri K.. "Losing Russia: The Costs of Renewed Confrontation." Foreign Affairs, no. 86 (2007): 36-52.
Major PLA-Related Joint Anti-Terror Military Trainings. News Agency Xinhua, PLA Daily, 2007.
Peake, Gordon, Eric Scheye, and Alice Hills. Managing Insecurity. Field Experiences of Security Sector Reform. London: Routledge, 2007.
