
Export 8450 results:
McDermott, Roger. Russia Offers ‘Quality’ Military Assistance to Kyrgyzstan., 2004.
Russia’s Counterterrorism Strategy after Beslan–Regional Implications In Weekly Intelligence Briefing. Energy Security Analysis, Inc. (ESAI), 2004.
Hill, Fiona. "Russia’s Newly Found ‘Soft Power’." The Globalist (2004).
Thomas, Timothy L.. "Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military." Journal of Slavic Military Studies 17 (2004): 237-256.
Bendersky, Yevgeny. Russia-China Relationship Favors Beijing. Asia Times Online, 2004.
McDermott, Roger. "Russian Interior Troops Expand Security Role." Eurasia Daily Monitor 1, no. 146 (2004).
Beasly, Kris D.. Russian Military Reform from Perestroika to Putin: Implications for U.S. Policy. Maxwell AFB Alabama: Air University, 2004.
Bogaturov, Aleksei D., and Tatyana A. Shakleyyina. "The Russian Realist School of International Relations." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 37, no. 1 (2004): 37.
Malek, Martin. "Russlands Kriege in Tschetschenien: ‘Wiederherstellung der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung,’ ‘Antiterror-Operationen’ oder Völkermord?" Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung 5, no. 1 (2004): 102-29.
Tarasyuk, Olga M., Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko, and Vladimir V. Sklyar. "Safety of Airspace Technique and Reliability of Computer Systems." Aviation and Space Technique and Technology (2004).
The SARS Commission Interim Report – SARS and Public Health in Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2004.
McGeary, Johanna. "The Scandal’s Growing Stain." Time (2004).
Sherstyuk, Vladimir P.. Scientific and Methodological Problems of Information Security . Moscow: Information Security Institute of Moscow State University, 2004.
Liaw, Horng-Twu. "A Secure Electronic Voting Protocol for General Elections." Computers and Security 23, no. 2 (2004): 107-119.
Huasheng, Zhao. Security Building in Central Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Slavic Research Center, 2004.
Barstow, David. "Security Firm Says Its Workers Were Lured Into Iraqi Ambush." New York Times (2004).
Chandler, Jennifer A.. "Security in Cyberspace: Combating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks." University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal (2004): 231-261.
Donnelly, Christopher. "Security in the 21st Century: New Challenges and New Responses." In NATO and New International Relations, 24-26. Zagreb: Atlantic Council of Croatia & Political Culture Publishing and Research Institute, 2004.
Hsu, Chien-Lung. "Security of Chien et al.’s Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards." Computer Standards and Interfaces 26, no. 3 (2004): 167-169.
Luciani, Giacomo. "Security of Supply for Natural Gas Markets." In NDES Working Paper No. 2. Center for European Policy Studies, 2004.
Caparini, Marina. "Security Sector Reconstruction: Western Balkans." In Reform and Reconstruction of the Security Sector, 167-68. Münster: LIT Verlag/DCAF, 2004.
"Selected Non-State Armed Groups." The Military Balance 104, no. 1 (2004): 363-64.
Peter, B.. "Semantische Datenintegration: Strategien zur Integration von Datenbanken." (2004).
Dodds, Philip. The Sharable Content Object Reference Model., 2004.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 2004, 4th Edition Run-Time Environment (RTE), Version 1.1 In 4th Edition Run-Time Environment (RTE), Version 1.1 . Alexandria, VA: ADL Initiative, 2004.
