
Export 8432 results:
Committee, House of Commons. The Future of NATO In Seventh Report of Session 2001-2002 (London: The Stationery Office Limited)., 2002.
Kirov, Georgi. Fuzzy Approach for FDDI Network Performance Improvement” (paper presented at the First International IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Systems, Student Session. Varna, Bulgaria, 2002.
Simoska, Emilija. "FYR Macedonia." In Clio in the Balkans: The Politics of History Education, 495-97. Thessaloniki: CDRSEE, 2002.
Vignanskiy, Mikhail. "Gamardzhoba, NATO! Gruziya vstupaet v Alyans otdelno ot sobstvennoy armii." Vremya Novostey (2002).
Smola, K.W., and C.D. Sutton. "Generational Differences: Revisiting Generational Work Values for the New Millennium." Journal of Organizational Behavior 23 (2002).
Stegmaier, Simon, Marcelo Magallón, and Thomas Ertl. A Generic Solution for Hardware-Accelerated Remote Visualization In EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on VisualizationVisSym’02. Barcelona, Spain,ACM, New York, 2002), 2002.
Cohen, Saul B.. Geopolitics of the World System. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.
Georgia: Fighting Terrorism in Another Failed State. Center for Defense Information (CDI), 2002.
"Germany Sets Terms for Backing NATO Rapid Reaction Force." Deutsche Presse-Agentur (2002).
Rausch, A.. GIG Database Development Update. Washington, DC: National Security Research, Department of Defense, 2002.
Miller, Scott N., Mariano Hernandez, David C. Goodrich, Paul W. Miller, William G. Kepner, and Darius J. Semmens. GIS-based Hydrologic Modeling: The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool In the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference. Las Vegas, 2002.
Kearns, Grover S., and Stephen Loy. "Global Acceptance of Stored-Value Smart Cards: Analysis of Inhibitors and Facilitators." International Journal of Services Technology and Management 3, no. 4 (2002): 417-423.
"Global Exchange of Military Information, F165EW17." Budapest, 2002.
Hudson, Rex A.. A Global Overview of Narcotics-funded Terrorist and Other Extremist Groups., 2002.
Stiglitz, Joseph. Globalization and its Discontents. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2002.
"Government to Play the Smart Card Trick." Bangkok Post (2002).
Boonruang, Sasiwimon. "Govt Envisions One-Stop Service – e-Citizen Initiative Showing Progress." Bangkok Post (2002).
Müller, Dr. Klaus. Grundgesetz - Taschenkommentar für Studium und Praxis. 11th ed. Cologne: Heymanns Taschenkommentare, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2002.
Anderson, Sean K., and Stephen Sloan. Historical Dictionary of Terrorism. Lanham, MD and London: The Scarecrow Press , 2002.
Schuwirth, Rainer. Hitting the Helsinki Goal. NATO Review 3 , 2002.
Wimmer, Maria, and Bianca von Bredow. A Holistic Approach for Providing Security Solutions in e-Government In 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35). IEEE Computer Society. Big Island of Hawaii, 2002.
Blunkett, David. "Home Secretary, Speech at “Defeating Organized Crime in South Eastern Europe." In Lancaster House Ministerial Conference. London, 2002.
Dalglish, Lucy A., Gregg P. Leslie, and Phillip Taylor. "Homefront Confidential: How the War on Terrorism Affects Access to Information and the Public’s Right to Know." The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (2002).
Seiple, Chris. "Homeland Security Concepts and Strategy." Orbis 46, no. 2 (2002).
Hinkle, Gene. Hong Kong ID Project to Use Smart Card Management Software from ACI Worldwide. ACI Worldwide, 2002.
